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Stacey Ramos
The Essence of
evaluating a This can include:
student is giving a • Test Scores
value to all of the • Homework
data that has been Assignments
collected from the • Project Evaluations
assesssments • And more
1. Norm- 2. Criterion-
Referenced Referenced
Grading Grading
▪ 21. There are two general ways to approach this task. One approach
is making comparisons among students. Such forms of evaluation are
called _________________ because students are identified as average
(or normal), above average, or below average. An alternative
approach is called _____________ because performance is
interpreted in terms of defined criteria.
▪ Found on Page 521
▪ Norm-Referenced
▪ Criterion-Referenced
▪ Making Comparisons between the
students in your classroom

▪ Students are identified in 3 ways:

NORM- ▪ Average or normal

REFERENCED ▪ Above Average

▪ Below Average
▪ Can be accomplished by grading on
a curve
▪ 22. A _________ system assumes that classroom achievement will
naturally vary among a group of ____________ students because of
differences in such characteristics as ____________, learning skills,
motivation, and aptitude.
▪ Page 521
▪ Norm-referenced
▪ Heterogeneous
▪ Prior knowledge
▪ aptitude
1. Determine what
percentage of students
will receive which grades
E.g. A's Top 15%
B's next 25%
And so on...
2. Arrange the scores
from highest to lowest.
3. Calculate which scores
go where and assign
grades accordingly.
▪ 24. Norm-Referenced grading can be used to
evaluate ______________.
▪ Page 522
▪ Advanced levels of learning
▪ Helps evaluate advanced levels of learning
▪ Helps to select students for honors programs based on
their test scores and high GPA's.

▪ Basic conditions cannot be met due to classes being too
small or mastery of the subject is too broad.
Permits students to benefit from their mistakes and improve their level of understanding
and performance.

AKA standards-based grading

This one's part of number 25!

Anyone know the rest?

Furthermore, it establishes an individual (and sometimes cooperative) reward

structure, which fosters motivation to learn to a greater extent than other systems.
▪ Use a scale to
identify how well
the student has
mastered a
subject by
assigning a
number value to
each standard.
· 26. Can Provide more specific and useful information
about a students’ strengths and weaknesses.
· Lets students know that if they have well-developed
learning skills they can master the objective.

· Performance standards are arbitrary
· Standards may fluctuate depending on the quality of
Allows students
multiple Designed by John
opportunities to learn Carroll and Benjamin
and demonstrate Bloom
their mastery.
▪ 28. Mastery approach: give students
________________ to master goals at their own pace.
▪ Page 525
▪ Multiple opportunities
▪ 1. Worshipping averages
▪ Make allowances for your
students who have
2. Using zeros
Do not give zeros to late or
incomplete assignments.
This doesn't show what the
student has learned or
needs help with.
3. Providing Insufficient
instruction before testing.
Yeah, don't do that. Teach!

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