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Case Study Name: Unruly Class

Group Members: Austin, Kayla, Adriana

Learning Objectives: Students will… learn, understand, and theorize how unruly
students affect the learning nature of a classroom and what potential corrective
actions may be utilized.

1. Guided debate regarding potential solutions.
a. Attempt to stir class into two sides in regards to ethical and moral
2. Recognition and defining of “unruly classrooms”.
3. Group activity (presentation):
a. 1 teacher per group who will teach a lesson.
b. Other group members will act unruly, disrupting teacher.
c. Each group separately presents to show understanding of activity.
Assessment(s): Remind class that final activity is supposed to simulate “unruly
students in the classroom” and that dealing with an unruly situation can be
mentally straining; remember to maintain awareness of your own health when

Materials: Paper squares with different ‘unruly student’ roles.

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