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SVKM’S NMIMS School of Business Management, Hyderabad Academie Year: 2012-2013 | | Program: Post Graduate Diploma in Management - Batch: 01 Year: IL ‘Trimester: IV Marks: 50 ‘Time: 10.00am to 11.30am Examination -Finol Duration: 1 Y hrs Subject: Business Analytics for Decision Making Date: 10" September 2012 Instructions: * Please read the questions carefully before attempting to answer. + The questions are meant to evaluate your conceptual understanding of the subject. Long explanations are discouraged. Please answer to the point using bulleted points as much as possible + Clearly state the assumptions that you make, if any, while attempting any question. + Do not write your name or roll number on any sheet. Bar coding will be used to identify your answer sheets. + You have choices for every question. +» The paper consists of two parts. Part A tests your knowledge of statistical techniques. Part B tests your knowledge of applications in the marketing and financial arena and your ability to interpret statistical output. + Total 50 marks PART A (Marks 40) This section tests your knowledge of Statistical Techniques and Terminology 1. Define or describe what is meant by the following Exploratory Data Analysis Terms (any 5 for 20 marks) NAVAS - Cross Tabs Mean Mode . Histogram . Line charts . Scatter Plots . Outliers What are the differences between the following summarizations? (Any 5 for 20 marks) AvVaAYPE Mean & Median . Volatility & Heteroscadasticity . Intercept & Beta . Correlation & Autocorrelation . Time Series & Cross Sectional Data . Moving Average & Moving Average Process 4 PART B (Marks 10) This section tests your knowledge in the appl marketing and financial fields. Marketing Analytics (any 2 for 10 marks) 1. Market Mix Modeling 2. Market Segmentation 3. Customer Segmentation 4. Market Basket Analysis 5. Adstock Or lication of analytics in the Interpretation of Statistical Output (10 marks) |Communalities RTE foods are nutritionally balanced IRTE foods can replace a full meal IRTE Foods save on time IRTE foods need lesser preparation time IRTE foods are cheaper then frozen foods RTE foods can be easily warmed in microwave RTE foods taste good IRTE foods are enjoyable RTE foods are cheaper considering the time saved [Initial [Extraction Total Variance Explained % of | Cumulative Component | Total | Variance %__| 1 2.52 27.99 27.99 2_ 1.52 16.85 44.83 3 1.34 14.87 59.71 4 1.01 11.22 70.93 5 0.68 | 759 78.51 6 0.58 6.43 84.94 Laman 0.55 6.08 91.03 8 0.43 472 95.75 9 0.38 4.25 100.00 In a study to find out respondents preferences for Ready to Eat* (RTE) food, the respondents were asked to rate various statements with their degree of agreement with the statements ona 5 point scale (1 — Agree very much and 5— Disagree very much). Some tables from the output of the factor analysis are reproduced on this page. *RTE food is packaged food which just has to be heated before consumption. 3h

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