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Academia English O: La Cantabrica 9, As ro English On Vocabulario Starters Telefono - 942 54 3483 S [To add Afiadir, suman S [Beautiful Bonito 'S_[One 1 'S_[Eraser Borrador 'S_[Ten 10 S_[Arm Brazo 'S_|Three 3 S [Good Bueno 'S_[Four 4 'S_ [Horse Caballo 'S_|Six 6 S_|[Head Cabeza 'S_ [Seven T 'S_|Goat Cabra 'S_ [Right sg S_ [Box Caja 'S_ [Nine 9 S [Sock Caleetin S_|To A S_|Street Calle 'S_|Me [Ami me S [Bea ‘Cama 'S_ [Alphabet [Abecedario S_|Camera Camara 'S_[Grandmother_[Abuela ‘S_ [Lorry Camion 'S_ [Grandfather [Abuelo S_|Shirt Camisa ‘S_[Bye bye [Adios S| T-shirt Camiseta 'S_ [Good bye [Adios 'S_|Song Cancion 'S_ [Water Agua 'S_|To sing Cantar 'S_[Now PA S_|Face Cara 'S_[Next to fado 'S_|Meat Came: 'S_[Some Algo de 'S_ [House Casa ‘S_[There 'S_[Onion “[Cebolla 'S_ [Bean fu 'S_|Supper Cena — S_[Yeow! fo To close Cenrar 5 'S_ [Friend 0 S\acket Chaqueta 'S_|[Love Amor s Chica 'S_|To walk Be Chico l 'S_[Animal ram Ss ¥Cla Clase 'S_[To learn Aprei Ss [clase ‘S_|To point to [Apuritar @ s mn Clase ‘S [Here Aghi ar Coctig S_ | Spider Agata Kitch Cocin J S [Tree [Arbol [Cocinak 'S__|Cupboara [Armario Ss nut [Coco | 'S_[Rice [Anroz S_|Chocodil Cocodilo ‘S_|Bus [Autobus S [To Coget 'S_ [Plane [Avion 3, [School Colégio ‘S_|Blue [Azul 'S "}Colour [@olor S [Badminton Comedor Ss [Baloncesto Eat mer Ss Baio Kite Cofneta == Ss Baio Ss Cofnida l s Baro ‘S_[Lun ida/ almuerzo c Ss Beb 'S_pwith Con S Beber Te Conover S Beisbal Correct a! S Bit S 'SL[To run C on S [Bien comect S_[Sho to” pequaetio nh S Boca Picture Cuadio Ss Bolt 'S_[Whieh. Cual— Ss Bolsa S_|How many Cuantos Ss [Bolso de mano 'S_[Body Cuerpo 1 Descargado de Academia English On - La Cantabrica 9, Astillero English On Vocabulario Starters Telefono - 942 54 34 83, is [Cave Cueva S_ [Flower Flor 'S_ [Birthday (Cumpleatios 'S_ [Photo Foto 'S [To give Dar 'S_|Sentence Frase S_[Tohavea bath _|Dase un baiio 'S_ [Football Futbol 's_lor De S [Soccer Futbol 'S__|Whose De quien S_[Cat Galo [s_[Under Debajo de 'S_ [Giraffe Girata 'S_[To say Decit 'S_ | Thanks Gracias [S_[To tell Decir 'S_ [Thank you Gracias 'S_|To spell Deletrear S [Big Grande 'S_|Sport Deportes S [Grey Gas [S_ [Breakfast Desayuno S_[Pea (Guisante [S_[Behina Detras S| Guitar Guitarra 'S_|To draw Dibujar 'S_|Tolike Gustar 'S_[Drawing Dibujo 'S_[Bedroom Habitacion 'S_|Painting Dibujo 7 euadro S_ [Room Habitacion 'S_[To enjoy Disirutar 'S_|To talk Hablar 'S_[Double Ss Hacer 'S_|Where s Hamburguesa 'S [To sleep Ss Helado 's_[Two S ——[Helicopiero 'S__[Example S. Hermana S [He Ss Hermano Hipopotamo S| The Historia (cuento) [S_ [Elephant [Hobby /aficcion | 'S_[She Hockey sit Hola 'S_ [They nbre / hombres 'S_[To start Hi 'S_[In front of Hudyo 3 | 'S [In (a place) [En un sitio [impactar 'S_ [On (place) Enum sitio Inglés 'S_ [Fina [Encontrar Intehtar 'S_ [To show Ensefiar Ir 'S_[To understand [Entender Garden yarcin 'S_ [Between Entre dos ‘Young oven. [S_|To write [Escribir [S_[Tolistento | Escuchar [S_ [That Bso esa aquel aquella — S| Those Eiosb esas aquellos aqhellas 'S_|Mirror Espeio [S_[Bookease Estanferia de libros [S_ [This Esto esti [eal [S_ [These Estos esta Ly [S_|Skirt Falda S [Family Familiar S[To stand up [Levante | 'S_[Favourite Favorito Book [Libro 's_|Happy Feliz Sime [Lima 'S_[Mat Felpudo 'S_ [Lemon Limon: is [Uely Feo 'S_ [Lemonade [Limonada 2 Descargado de Academia English On - La Cantabrica 9, Astillero English On Vocabulario Starters Telefono - 942 54 34 83 Descargado de S_|To clean |Limpiar S_ |For Para / durante S_|Line Linea S_|To stop Parar S_|To wear [Llevar puesto ‘S__|Wall Pared 'S_[Mother Madre ‘S_ [Part Parte S_ {Mum [Mama S_|Hall Pasillo. 'S_|Mango [Mango ‘S_|Cake Pastel S_|Hand |Mano_ S_| Potato Patata S_[Apple Manzana 'S [French fries [Patatas fiitas S [Sea Mar S_ [Duck Pato S_|Brown | Marron. S_|Comb Peine Slow [Mayor ‘S_|Hair Pelo S_ |Table Mesa 'S_|Ball Pelota S_ [My Mi ‘S__[Small Pequefio S_|To watch | Mirar S_|Pear Pera S_[To look at [Mirai/ examinar__| [S [To miss Perder, fallar S_ [To took Mirau/ ver ‘S_[Pardon. Perdon 'S__[Monkey Mono 'S_|Sorry Perdon. S_|Te ride |Mont S_|Dog Perro S_|Purple ado 'S_|Fishing Pesca S_[Motorbike Moto 'S_ [Piano Piano S_|Monster ho Ss | Foot/feet_ Pie pies. 'S_|Woman/ we fujet / Tgjeres 'S_|heg ‘Pierna — S_|Doll fieca Table tennis [Ping-pong S S_[Very ‘S\{To paint Pintar S_|To swim Nac Ss apple Pifia 'S__|Orange nja Floo Piso (°,25,3°...) U S_|Nose Ni Ss soa} Pizarra S_ [Black Negr Ss Beat ‘S_[Child/children — [Nitié 7ruffos 'S__[Beach Pla S_|No INO” ‘an Podel S_ [Not INO ‘Might Poder’ ] S_|Night Noche i [Pollo _| ‘S_ [Name [Nombre 'S_ [To hut [Poner | S [We [Nosotros S_|Piea! ‘Por fayor S_[Our Nuestro Sam Porly tarde S_|Us [A nosotros, nos 'S_ | Question Pregunta S_|New [Nuevo S Ho ask [Pfeguntar S_|Number [Numero Profesor/ profesora S_|Or i To test eba S_[On om Door Pu S [Eye Gio) Ss Pubto S [OK OK ‘S_[Whai S_ [Ear Orel ‘S_HGw old ‘Que edad Lf S_ [Again Otra vez. To Querer 'S_[Sheep [Oveja Dear ido = S_|Father [Padre Who n T S_|Page [Pagina 'S_[Radio iO n ‘S_|Bird Pajaro SL [s ‘Rana (==) S_|Word [Palabra | S._| Mouse/mice Raton’ ratones” 'S_[Bread Pan. 'S_[Tobounce _[Rebotar S_| Trousers [Pantalones S_|Ruler Regla’ S [Dad [Papa 'S__[Clock Reloj 3

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