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Cardiorespiratory Goal

Kyle Holtry

Cardiorespiratory Endurance Goal: Be Able to Run 2 Miles without having to take a walking break

Specific Objectives:

1. Measure how long I am walking in length and Time during my


2. Run every day to increase


3. Park Farther away from buildings to increase walking and jogging time.

This is the goal that I set at the beginning of the semester. Over the next 3 weeks I plan on doing my first
goal every day. By measuring how much I walk I can really gage how much I am doing to improve my
endurance. Lately I haven’t been able to run every day, but I am going to set aside some time every day
to find time to run. At my work we also have quite a large parking lot, so I am going to part on the far
side to make sure I can walk farther for the next three weeks.

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