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Professional Semester III TPGP

Name: Ben Taylor

School: Alexandra Middle School

Timeline: September-December

Teacher Advisor: Jaime Hamilton

University Consultant: David George

School Administrator: Keri Gust


Goal 1: Implement hands on mathematics activities into my lessons

Rationale: Throughout the first two weeks, the students in my classes have filled out learner
personality quizzes so that I can learn about how they like to learn. An overwhelming amount of
my students have shown strong kinesthetic learner tendencies. In mathematics I find it
challenging to create kinesthetic activities for the students, but I would like to try some
different methods to give them the best opportunity to succeed.


 Connect my mathematics outcomes into my science labs, so that the students are
able to connect the kinesthetic component of science labs with their mathematics.
 Work with the other grade 9 stem teachers to find resources for math that involve
kinesthetic learning.
o Ex. Studying symmetry and surface area by building shapes that the students
can examine in a hands on way

Indicators of Achievement:

 Comparing student assessments in mathematics concepts using kinesthetic methods

against visual, auditory, and reading/writing methods.
 Gather feedback on my different kinesthetic activities from the students through
exit slips
Goal 2: Involve the school administration and student’s parents more in the learning within
my classroom

Rationale: In my previous practicum experiences I felt as if I had not had the time to make
important connections with my school’s administration and the student’s parents.


 Set up parent communication through the Remind Homework App

 Bi-weekly phone calls to the parents of students that have expressed concerns with
their children at the meet the teacher night
 Bi-weekly meeting with Keri to ask any questions I have in my learning
 Asking Keri or other administration to observe my teaching
 Sharing my PIP project with the administration

Indicators of Achievement:

 During my bi-weekly meetings with Keri, I would like to ask her feedback on my PIP
project and my teaching practice.
 Logging my communication with parents to gather their feedback on their children’s
progress in my classroom

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