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Sentence Frames

Sentence frames is a literacy strategy to help ELLs in all content areas. This strategy
scaffolds student writing to support more academic writing and discussion. It helps students by
providing vocabulary and structure they wouldn’t be able produce on their own. ELL students
develop critically literacy skills because they learn what they should analyze to contribute to a
discussion or writing.
This is an effective strategy for English learners because it
allows students to participate in highly academic language and can be adapted in all
classrooms. For example, in a math classroom sentence frames can help students make the
connections of the answer in context. It is important to understand the real-world application
of a math skill in order to develop their understanding and apply it situations that they may
Examples of Sentence Frames:
1. I anticipate that___________ causes________.
2. One Reason _______may occur is because__________.
3. When _____happened then _____took place as a result.
4. If ______ then ________.
5. There are _________ for __________.

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