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Sedrakyan 1

Flora Sedrakyan

Professor Batty

English 102

12 December 2018

Gender Studies Analysis Essay Reflection

Personally, revising and editing this essay was far more complicated than I had expected.

There were obvious flaws found in the essay, but overall it wasn’t a terrible draft and it contained

very few things that really needed to be changed. What I found to be the most challenging task

for me to do was to change the thesis. I tried coming up with different theses that would capture

the overall essence of the essay and advocate the points I was attempting to make to the readers;

however, there wasn’t one that I liked or seemed to go with the essay. It felt like I just kept

hitting a dead end for quite a while. Although, after finding the perfect thesis, I continued

changing the rest of the essay. One other issue of the essay that Professor Batty noticed and I

noticed as well after reading it over, was the misuse or lack of quotes. The quotes I used in the

body paragraphs didn’t seem to correlate to the general idea of the body paragraph that I was

trying to make. For instance, the first body paragraph discussed the characters inability to accept

and express their homosexuality in a predominantly heterosexual society, which results in one

hiding their true selves. Nowhere in that paragraph did I include a quote from​ M. Butterfly

supporting such claim. The final draft of this essay includes both major and minor changes, one

being incorporation of quotes which relate to the main topic of the paragraphs, rephrasing my

thesis to provide readers with a clear understanding of the essay’s purpose, and fixing any

grammatical and mechanical errors found in the essay.

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