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1A + 1B
Sabrina: Hello! My name is Sabrina. What’s your name?
Anna: Hi! My name is Anna. Where are you from, Sabrina?
Sabrina: I am from the United States. I am American. And you?
Anna: I am from Germany. I am German.
Sabrina: Are you from Berlin?
Anna: No, I am not. I am from Nuremberg. It is a nice city. Oh … this is my friend, Mike. Hi,
Mike! How are you?
Mike: Hi, Anna! I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Anna: Fine. Mike, this is Sabrina. Sabrina, this is Mike.
Sabrina: Nice to meet you, Mike.
Mike: Nice to meet you, Sabrina. Are you in the same class with us?
Sabrina: I am not sure … I am in room 20.
Anna: We are also in room 20. We are colleagues.
Mike: Nice.
Anna: Sabrina, what’s your phone number?
Sabrina: It’s 7894 332 455.
Anna: Thank you. Mine is 7734 924 123.
Sabrina: Thanks. We must go now. See you on Monday!
Anna: Yes, see you! Bye!
Mike: Good-bye!

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