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Lesson 1 Why We Need Mirrors

Bible Passage: Luke 18: 9-14

Bible Truth: God’s perspective of who we are can be very different than what we think of ourselves.
Lesson Objective: That students recognize their need to learn about themselves in relationship with God
and others.

Lesson 2 Lost in the Fun House

Bible Passage: the life of Joseph in Genesis chapters 37- 49
Bible Truth: [Gn. 49: 22-24] Like Joseph, we are hurt by the “arrows” people shoot at us (their comments and
opinions about us, both positive and negative), but God can hold us firm in the knowledge of our
Lesson Objective: That students feel the confusion, frustration and futility of trying to understand who
they are based only the opinions of others.

Lesson 3 Seeing Mankind in God’s Perfect Mirror

Bible Passage: Is. 53:6
Bible Truth: All humans have turned away from God and pursue sin but Christ died to provide a way for
us to be saved.
Lesson Objective: That students understand God’s view of mankind as presented in the Bible.

Lesson 4 Seeing the Christian in the Perfect Mirror

Lesson Objective: That students rejoice in what God has done, making anyone in Christ a new creation.
Bible Passage: 2 Cor. 5: 17 (see “Bible Application for other verses)
Bible Truth: God has made anyone in Christ a totally new creation.

Lesson 5 Living my Identity in Christ

Lesson Objective: That students commit to living in a way that reflects their true identity in Christ.
Bible Passage: Col. 3:1-17
Bible Truth: Having died to our sin we get rid of sin in ourselves and put on Christ like qualities.

Lesson 6 Reflecting the Truth to Those Around Us

Lesson Objective: That students desire to provide an accurate, biblical reflection of the worth of others
that surround them.
Bible Passage: 2 Cor. 5: 16-21
Bible Truth: We should see those around us as God sees them: either as a new creation in Christ, or as
someone God wants to be reconciled with.

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