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In the Age of Creation, there were superior beings that roamed the earth, called “Demon”.

All of
these creatures were created in that era alone by a wizard. By the creed of the wizard, called by the
old civilization as The Order of Punishment, the roaming demons preys upon the humankind and the
terrible fate never stops. The land that was once green and blooming of flowers were soon turned
into a mountain of ashes and coals.

Humans were a weak being compared to these ruthless predators. Several thousand
decades have passed away like a flowing river. The mankind was forced to inhabit their only safe
place, a deserted island named Alima Garden. A safe haven where only humans live there, a place of
lasting peace. However, the fate was cruel as the collapsing mountain and earth waved down a new
piece of land, Divine Plain. This plains managed to connect the Alima Garden with the lands of
Demon, Land of Calamity.

The humans were once again threatened by the Demons, forcing the Elder of Alima Garden,
Elder Ainsworth to start a ritual. The ritual was created a few thousand years ago as the Last Solution
by the Alima Garden inhabiters. This ritual allows a summoning of a unknown being that is
prophecied to be the One that will save the Heaven and Earth.

On the fated day in the Age of Calamity, the Elder Council started the summoning. The
curious Daemons finally traveled along the Riverstrorm Plains and will slowly corner the Alima
Garden. A long summoning ritual was soon interrupted by the Chief of Daemon, Gargantuar, a large
giant beast. So big that it manages to stand tall beside a two storey bulding. A presence full of killing
nature, it strikes in the heart of Elder Council.

As Gargantuar and his allies approach the Grand Hall, the army of Alima Garden approaches
the Daemons. However, it proves to be meaningless as the Daemons with the Black Magic was able
to overpower the abilitity-less humans. Suddenly, a young lady, Jeanne tried to challenge the
Daemons to protect her home country but she stood no chance. A chance of almost dying turned
other way around with the roar of the storm and lighting.

A black clouds emerge from the end of the world and surround Alima Garden, forcing a
stalemate between both sides. The unknown being soon arrived from a void, a black hole of no
return. Both sides were standing, silently watching the emergence of a enemy or saviour. Then,
came a mysterious man from the void. He was wearing nothing but a red robe that cover his bottom
body, strangely his body is full of ancient tatoos and marks. The man moves his head around, looking
curious but not puzzled at all. He grab his pitch-red headband along with his black haird to reveal a
sinister looking crimson-clad eyes.

His haunting grin bestows himself as Angra Mainyu.

A nameless hero . He spokes of a single setence:

“ Hey, what are you looking at, huh?”

The man in torn red robes directed his statement against the biggest of all, the Chief of Demon
himself, Gargantuar. Without even a piece of mercy, Gargantuar quickly grab one of his soldier. The
soldier tried to fight back to no avail.

Boom. The soldier was thrown into the sky. With only a river that separate the mysterious existence
and the demon, the incident only happened in a flash. Jeanne, the human woman, and even the
Elder himself could not see anything in the speck of time. Jeanne quickly focused her eyes again on
Angra Mainyu. Smokes were coming out from the pavement but Angra was no where injured, not
even a single tiny bit of injury.

“Huh, is that all you can do? I mean, looking at your size, I expect a better shot. Haha.”

The man’s tongue is sharp, evidently so by making fun of the Gargantuar’s shot. The beast, irritated
by the man’s wellbeing, began to stomps angrily on the ground. His soldiers are looking grim,
knowing well that a slight wrong move could spell death for them.

Jeanne looks around the area around her, focusedly. The humans, along with the Elder was shocked
beyond belief. There is a sense of amazement in all of them.

“ How could a man, just like them in term of appearance and physicality, able to survive the
onslaught of the Gargantuar?”

The demon, in the other side, without any hint of hesitation, forced his army of soldiers, almost
fourty of them; a race of small goblins, to go beyond the river and kill the nameless hero.

“If that is all you got, then this will be the end of you!” The man in cladded in tattos
screamed loudly to his opponents, as if to intimidate them.

The goblins passed the river, abeit slowly as they are affected by the stream of water surrounding
the Alima Garden. Then, without any sign of hesistation, Angra Mainyu cut away one of the goblins
using an object.

“What kind of weapon is that? The blood red trait and the shape of it, it almost like a beast’s
claw..” Jeanne thought about it. Watching the merciless killing that happened in a mere second, rises
too much of a question in Jeanne’s mind, about this hero.

Slash. Repeat. Slash. Repeat. Angra Mainyu stormed pass through the group of goblins without any
problem. Bloods are splattering everywhere, even the river is clouded in red liquid. The battle only
took place for a minute or so. The battle followed a certain pattern, that is the goblins charged away
at the nameless hero, then the hero dodge it and impale the goblins with his red claw-like weapon.

The claw cut away the gut of the goblins without any problem. The tear soon become bigger and
bigger, cutting the goblins into half.

Angra’s speed is furious, too fast for Jeanne’s eyes to follow. The repeated action finally ended after
reaching almost a quarter from the Gargantuar. His amber eyes tensely cut away at the Gargantuar
“This is the end of you. Don’t blame me, you are only asking for trouble the moment you laid
your dirty gaze on me.”

Angra slowly walk his step into where Gargantuar stand, just to piss the demon off. While holding his
one and only red claw weapon, the demon rushed away without a sign. At Angra. The man sigh, and
jump into the air. Gangantuar makes a giant axe appear in the air using his ability as demon:
Territory Creation. Without any sign of holding back, he smashed away at Angra using his utmost
ability, although he decided to do away from that in the first place.

Once again, the Gargantuar is shocked. The battlefield went silent. Not because Angra is smashed
away like he wanted to, but his attack was blocked without any problem. The one blocking it is the
red claw, but this is another red claw, maybe a variation of it.

“Heh, my Tawrich can block any kind of weapon! Don’t think you have any chance in the first
place.” Gargantuar’s eyes went blind as Angra slipped away in the air and stab both of the demon’s
eyes using his Tawrich and another claw.

The loud scream of the demon was heard in Alima Garden. Blood flow out of the wound as if it cut
away the structure of the body itself. A second away from using his ability again, he heard

“Goodbye.” Both blades owned by Angra managed to cut away the demon into half. The
difference of size is enormous but the blade cut away like a sword cutting a droplet. There was little
problem at all, as it passed through the torse and then the toe of the demon.

The demon’s body split into half. Multiple organs broke away from the dead body. The little splater
of blood soon later became a pool of red liquid. There is no hesitation from the hero, not even a
moment of doubt. There is no more remants of the demon’s squad – all of them was wiped out by
this man. The scene is frightening but all of the citizens of Alima Gardens that watched the battle
decided in the heart – “He is our only hope.”

Soon after that, the man walk toward Jeanne, which was staring at him since the beginning of his
arrival into this wretched world. Jeanne, a mage of highly vast potential, was surprised when Angra
Mainyu, without any sign, fall down to his knees.

“Yo, hi there. It seems like my body is disappearing now.. Perhaps this body needs an anchor
to stay in this world.”

Jeanne looks closely at the man; he is right, there is a strange golden dust covering his body, a sign of
disappearing, perhaps? She also can sense that the hero’s magical energy is at a low level, maybe
due to the overuse of his magical claw weapon – Tawrich and Zawrich.

“Hey, hey. This is weird but can you make a contract with me?”

A magical contract means that there will be a contract of magic that will help transfer the owner’s
magical energy to the one who was contracted. The end result, is that the contracted being will be a
Knight of the owner. The owner also will received something important – two Sign of Aegis, a mark
that will help to rule obedience from the contracted being.
“....What are you waiting for? I am disappearing...”

“I get it. You want a contract, right? Then allow me to do so. Do you agree to be my Knight?”

“Hmm, looks like I have no choice? Well, unfortunately, I agreewith you...what is your name,

“It’s Jeanne Atria. “

“Then let’s do it. I agree to become the Knighto of Jeanne Maver!”

A red flash of light appeared in front of them. The river reflects the magical atmosphere, refracting
the lights and enlighting the whole garden of crimson trees.


The left hand of Jeanne now is being envelop by magical fire. After a few second, the pain subdued
and a strange mark appeared, a logo of Dragon.

“So this is the Sign of Aegis, huh? Well, I am very thankful to you for saving my life and Alima
Garden! Please follow me, uh..-“

“Angra Mainyu is mynickname but I guess you could call me... Shirou. Heh.”

The girl smiled and hold Shirou’s hand. The smile of relieve and happiness, tears began falling down
her cheek.

“Um, then let’s go meet everyone!” Jeanne quickly grabbing Shirou’s hand strongly.

Shirou slightly insisted but quickly follow along, due to his nature. The clay ground and almost
village-look of Alima Garden makes Shirou more aware of the condition of the mankind in this era.

“Looks like I will see him again, huh?” Shirou said just under his breath.

“Huh, did you say something Shirou?” Jeanne asked, bewildered.

Shirou ignored the question and smiled. They then run toward the Grand Hall of Alima Garden
without looking back again.


Ah. I am back here again. This void of darkness. Place of suffering and regret.
Heh. But I was never wrong.

I sit in the darkness and look around.

There is nothing here, like always.

But suddenly, there was a light blasting from my back.

“What is that?” I talk slowly.

I do not have any obligation of going there, but I feel I am... forced to go there.
Extra Story: World’s Evil Vol.1

- PROLOGUE: Age of Calamity

- Act I: Beast of World
- Act II: Lonely Flower

Extra Story: World’s Evil Vol.2

- INTERLUDE: Chaos Beast

- Act III: Broken Night
- Act IV: Imaginary World

- Extra Story: World’s Evil Vol.3 END

- Act V: Heavenly Feel
- Act VI: Final Battle – Reign of Beast




- A nameless spirit that wanders the void, he was summoned to the Alima
Garden as a saviour. His story is removed from existence due to a legend and
nobody knows about him. His name is thrown into the void, exisiting simply as
a nameless hero. He adopts the name Angra Maiyu of another existence due
to the similarity of origins.
- He is stated to have a body of 20-year old man, having a spiky black hair and
a distorted crimson orange eye. He wears a red robe or cloak of some sort
around his waistline while his upper torso is uncovered, only to reveal a
hideous sight of ancient markings etched on his body. His face is also
similarly etched with the words, wearing a red headband that covers a part of
his front hair.
- The abilities of this man is unknown, but one thing for sure is that he is
specialized in information seeking and close-fight. He wields two daggers, he
stated that the daggers represent Evil and Good. The daggers, Tawrich and
Zawrich is a pair of black daggers that resemble a beast’s claw. So sharp that
it can be used in both attacking and defensive stance.
- It is also stated that he can ‘reproduce’ weapons although he commonly is
seen with Zawrich and Tawrich.
- His personality is mostly chaotic good, infusing the essence of curious
teenager and hollow cruelness. Strangely, his actions is seem to be similar to
the embodiment of Justice itself. A young man who likes to jokes around and
serious when he is in a tight situation.

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