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DaNNy Boy KEYC F p22 aa the pipes, the pipes are cal - ling, From glen to a glen and down the moun-tain - side, ‘The sum-mer’s gone and all the ro- ses cee fal - ling, "Tis you 'tis you must go and I must bide, But come ye € ac Am f = ass f= back when sum-mer'sin the mea-dow, Orwhen the val-ley’shushed and white with ‘Aud wher. you come ed all the flowers are dying If Lam dead - as dead I well may be Yevlcom: an. 2 fsec where ! am lying An” Kose. apd say on ve there for me ‘And [ shall he chough soft yur tread above me, ‘And ail my grave shall warmer, sweeter be For you will bend ind ‘ell me that you love me And I shall live ip peace, until you come to me, © 1980 Pubtahed >y Desan 10m», Cork, trolandt Cogyrizht Secured

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