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Name: //////////////////

\Trace and count the letters! Circle the first letter in each word.

a ____ letters
and ____ letters
away ____ letters
big ____ letters
blue ____ letters
book ____ letters
read ____ letters
can ____ letters
Write your first name:

How many letters are in your first name?______ letters
Name: //////////////////
\Trace the sentence and count the words! Circle the first word in
each sentence.

Read the book. _____ words

Go away! _____ words

I like blue books. _____ words

The ball is big. _____ words

Can I go? _____ words

Write a sentence:

How many words are in your sentence?______ words
Name: //////////////////
\Trace and count the letters! Circle the last letter in each word.

away ____ letters

can ____ letters
read ____ letters
blue ____ letters

\Trace the sentence and count the words! Circle the last word in
each sentence.

Can you read? _____ words

I read a book. _____ words

Look down. _____ words

Come to help. _____ words

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