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Answer the following questions according the chapter 6

1. How did Sam know about Carly’s location?
For the phone call he received and Dutch found the location.

2. What did Sentinel do to start the transportation of Cybertron?

Sentinel took control of the pillars to activate the space bridge that would
take Cybertron to Earth.

3. How did they close the city?

When Sentinel deactivated the space bridge and brought the Decepticons.

4. Who were in Chicago?

In Chicago were Sam, Carly Dutch, Dylan, Simmons, Sentinel, Megatron.

5. What did Sam do?

Sam went in search of Carly who is in Chicago, Trump Tower.

6. Who went with Sam?

Sam went with Epps in search of Carly.

7. Who means that Sam was always bad news for the Decepticons?
Simmons said that Sam was always bad news for the Decepticons.

8. Who attracted the city from the air?

Sentinel through the pillars active Space Bridge to attract Cybertron
towards the city.

9. Did you like the chapter? Why?

Yes, I like it because Sam goes in search of his girlfriend to be able to rescue
her from Dylan.

10. What would you do if you were Carly?

Try to escape to get help.

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