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Learn about how

people develop and

acquire language

Stage 1: Pre-production

Stage 2: Early production

 Know your terms Stage 3: Speech emergence

 ELL vs ESL Stage 4: Intermediate fluency

 ELL: English Language Learner Stage 5: Advanced fluency

 ESL: English as a Second Language BICS vs. CALP

ELP? LEP? BICS: Basic interpersonal

Communication Skills

-Language skills needed in day-to-day,

social situations in order to interact with

CALP: Cognitive Academic Language

Proficiency: formal academic learning

Methods, Modifications, strategies:
-Remember to speak slowly. Be sure to
let the student see the movement of your

-If possible, partner newer ELL student

with a stronger LEP stududent

Create an ELL- friendly classroom Use ESL teacher as a resource

-Teacher can explain your ELL students’
-learn how to pronounce students’ name proficiency
-Could serve as a “middle-man” between
-set up a conference with the parents school and home.

-label object
Know and use testing modifications
-incorporate words and phrases from -English/native language dictionary or
the students’ native language in your electronic translator
lessons and activities.
-Multiple testing session

-Scheduled extended time

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