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Brandon Monroe

Dr. Crosby
MUE 530
September 26, 2018

Lesson Plan Template

The song for my lesson plan will be ‘The Kangaroo Song’ on page 44.

Focus: Melody! High and low sounds


The objective of this lesson is to perform hand movements to show the highness or
lowness of pitches in a song.

How will I exhibit the importance of melodic variation in music?

1. Each student will stand up and raise their hands high in the air. Then they will
squat low to the ground. (Sit the students back down).
2. Each student will stand up again and I will give each of them a different direction.
Some will be high, some will be middle, and some will be low. With the direction
they will sing a corresponding pitch on ‘La’.
3. I will sit the students back down and we will each talk about our favorite animal
and what pitch, high or low, does that animal make. Talk about an imaginary zoo.

Pt. 2
‘The Kangaroo Song’

1. I will go through the verse of the song on ‘Do’ so that the students get the rhythm.
They will echo me.
2. Repeat #1, but this time go over the refrain.
3. Go through the whole song together…Boring right?
4. Go through the song again incorporating the proper pitches to demonstrate the
melodic variation.

When the students come in the class I will greet them as if I were going through puberty
with my voice demonstrating high and low frequencies. “Excuse me class, I must have a
frog in my throat.”


For the exit ticket each student will write down 3 animals that go into the high and low
categories when it comes to the sound they make.


To asses the students grasp of high and low sounds, the students will pair up and go to
one of the Xylophones in class and I will ask them to play me a number of high notes
and a number of low notes.


2e Play instruments in groups, following a conductor

6b Describe music by moving to it
8b Identify ways that music relates to language arts and science

(Dramatizing a song/ creative writing)


The materials required for this lesson will be the student, CD player, sing along CD,
whiteboard/smart board, an Elmo projector, The Kangaroo Song, Xylophone (class set),
and a piano.

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