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Brandon Monroe

Dr. Crosby
MUE 530
November 8, 2018

Lesson Plan Template

The song for my lesson plan will be ‘A Rockin’ Holiday Song’ on page 466 CD

Focus: Movement


The objective of this lesson is to perform various movements to emphasize steady beat,
rhythm, and musical expression.

How will I exhibit the importance of movement in music?

1. Play snippets from popular line dances that involve situational settings.
2. Play snippets from popular hip-hop songs with their respective dances.
3. Discuss and review why keeping the beat is important when dancing, what the
dances remind you of, and these dances exhibit musical expression.

Pt. 2
‘A Rockin’ Holiday Song’

1. Before I teach the song I will introduce the swing concept of music
2. I will teach the song in phrases by first using the syllable ‘La’. We will sing ‘La’ on
middle C, since this is the key of the song.
3. We will learn the whole song this way first then incorporate the proper pitches.
4. Once we have the song under way we will begin to incorporate a movement of
the hips, feet, and arms to emphasize the teachings of Dalcroze. By focusing on
movement the student will gain physical awareness and experience of music
through training that takes place through all of the senses, particularly

When the students come in the class I will be playing the Cha-Cha slide and I will begin
to get down!


We will conclude class by each student sharing how movement is used in their day to
day lives and how they move to express themselves.


To assess the students grasp of steady beat, rhythm, and movement we will have a ‘No
Music’ competition where we will clap a beat and everyone must partake in an 8 count
dance move.


6b Describe music by moving to it

8b Identify ways that music relates to language arts and Physical Education


The materials required for this lesson will be the student, CD player, sing along CD,
whiteboard/smart board, an Elmo projector, A Rockin’ Holiday Song, and a piano.

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