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allt uaderstaagsad and bent fal thought requ, pep th 1 you wish 1 enoy the mont bees From Man's Higher’ Conounest = pesky Fach te ym real the work you wil Cents oar pepe Pep “Tales of Men's Higher Conou- ree 0 that more and er poe ay ‘Rips wih tr os 55 Heath Resets PUBLISHER'S FOREWORD ‘his work frst appearod in 1982 under the utle Man'e aizaculous Unused Powers, and the author was presented fb Kenyon Klanont, « pscudonye ‘The domand was so grast thatthe work was soon sold out, and'a tecond eaition was published and soon exhaust— (06, The work hes been out af print for several years, end {his third edition is published to meet the continued demand for ‘This work contains some answers to the questions appear sng in Hotema'a work Utled Anotent Seorst of Personal Pow~ Man, the clever untator, regarde St as @ common vor" pow to make redios and television sets that respond to com Inic redlation end bring Mm messeges end pictures st ell ‘Over the world, For mallione of years Creation, the Grand Gristnntor, has tie Instruments that respond to cosmic radiation and covered the earth wath then ‘This work attempts to show the reasons why the radio and television mecheniem in the human esi file 9 reepond {lly now to cosmic radiation as it dia twenty thousand years fo, wher the Anciont Mastors sccurulatea their Wisdem of ‘Crnation, Life and Man, then recorded it fletion end fable for intorproteion to those who prove by Lest they were The sreat schools in which the worthy ones ware taught thage secrets of Creston were known 08 the Ancient Mys~ feries. Thaw requirements for admiasion were a0 high, that the tbe came when despots rulers of the people had sure 0 low thot they were uneble to meet them. In their anger ‘hey ‘cided to establlan @ counter system of thetr own Invention, and then employed thalr armies of servants and Slaves to destroy the Temples of the Ancient Mysteries and to slay the Mastors who presided over them, @) ‘The tank of destruction and slaughter began in the 4th sotuy AD. afad continued thru the next two centuries, ‘Wt’so terete and blondy that more than a hundred fullion people were alsin. in Egyst, the Great Lond of ight end Leavoing 2000 yours ago, where ancient Greek philosophers, including the renowned Pythagoras, went fic hele higher education, the destruction was so deves— {atung that the country became known as the Land of Dark tn la work titled "Ancient Eaypt The Light Of The World” orald Massey wrote: Tor perhaps titty thousand yoars or more, people lived tn pence upon this earth snder tho spiritual guidance of the original end True Religion ofthe Ancient Payptians (Gecetved from Atlantia). Times have changed. For severa) thousand yours seiflahness, hatred ond greed have brought ied miserlos to the euffecing Masses. The True Light, fe Light that Lghteth all the world, tho Light thet shone fo brightly in Ancient Egypt, no longer shines. ‘The Masters who escaped death, were those who fled ‘to distant India, where their successors stl) abide in the fastnestes of the Himeleye Mountains, and whose ages are ald to ‘ange from 500 to 1500 years, From that source there ‘Giokles the anal stream of that Ancient Wisdom which Hotema presents in his various waiting ‘me author of this wock Ls not open to any engagements, does not receive visitors, Aor grant interviews enter Inco any correspondence with hs readers. He tells 20 fortunes, does aot teach divination, makes no predictions ‘ro phliters and lands himgelf to no sorcery and ‘ehunble student of sclanee and not ‘The publisher ofthis work bas no authority to comment on the postulates and opinions presented, net to give any ho the address of the author. His engagement is simply to (ubllah end sell this work, and there hs obligation ends. o coks are sold to be accepted or rejected, and the piepore ft Pro Hotema's writings ia to diipate dvkness aad Sake poopie think "All Goatiny begina with think id Percival, and thinking ts @ process most dangerous {9 the inetittions of ciuiiztion which contra the masses by means of skillful braln-washing and sind-condtioning ‘methods, Many who rejected certain ities sone veers ago, fave now discovered their enor since they bogen vo as, dnd have become Hotona's strongest supporters, The statements in this work are the recitals of sclentiftc findings, known facts relating to Men end Creation, an tslarnots fo cnt wigs as ey fe dscovred ent ‘resented may do for anyone in any given caso, ond the futhor and the publisher assume no obligations forthe opinions expresced.

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