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My Story in Last weekend

On the weekend I usually spent my time for rested on my bedroom. Otherwise I did my
homework from my lecturer in faculty of dentistry ,YARSI University. When boredom strikes I
usually watched the movies several times on my laptop. If there is free time I usually read my
powerpoint slide or text boo or journal the medical books.

Last weekend, I went to waroeng steak and shake restaurant at cempaka putih with all my friend
from faculty of dentistry, Yarsi University because he celebrated his birthday party. It was very
fun when I gathered with all my friends.

Moreover in the middle of my busy time, after that we went to artha gading mall, for refreshing
and had somefun together. We came in to the store one by one because there was a lot of
discounts weekend but we didn’t bought anything . after that we went to karaoke and we sang all
the time, many songs that we sang there until 22.00 am. After we finished sang from karaoke in
artha gading mall, we took some photo to captured the moment.

On the way home we suddenly wanted ate somefood because we are hungry after we sang
together for a while. Therefore we went to seafood restaurant at gading. After we arrived to
destination at seafood restaurant we ordered shrimps, sheels, squids, gurame fish, ice tea and
many more., not a long after food came and we immediantly ate the food. After we finished eat
our foods, we spent our time to talked each other. After we talked for a while we felt sleepy and
we went home.

Name : ghani affifa ratna oetari

Class : low dosage
NPM : 1112018077

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