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Teacher Candidate Observation Instrument (TCOI)

Candidate: Stephanie Mixon Date: 11/7/18 Observer: Kristie Blizzard Subject/Time: ELA 8:45


I-1a & 1b Possesses and applies content knowledge across the curriculum

Score: 4 Evidence:
o All content is accurately demonstrated
o Uses multiple resources in addition to the textbook
o Readily corrects teacher and student errors
o Gives appropriate feedback to correct student responses

Comments: The use of a picture book (“Stellaluna”) to teach sequential/chronological

order was wonderful. Students were engaged and worked hard to listen and take notes
on the beginning, middle, and end of the book.
II-3a Understands and uses best practices, various learning theories, subject matter, curriculum
development, and learn develop to make curricular and instruction decisions.

Score: 4 Evidence:
o Information is accessible to all students.
o Students are actively engaged throughout the lesson.
o Teacher is responsive to students’ questions.
o Teacher responds to students’ lack of understanding.
o Teacher provides the necessary support for students as they learn new

Comments: At the beginning of the lesson, you reviewed what sequential order is and
how to recognize it. Your students were engaged with taking notes on the Beginning,
Middle, and End note cards. While reading the book, you circulated the room and
checked what your students were writing. You praised the students who were on task
and helped a few to get started.
II-3b Develops lesson plans using a variety of instruction methods, resources, and technology that
support knowledge of learner development

Score: 5 Evidence:
o Information is accessible to all students.
o Students are actively engaged throughout the lesson.
o Teacher activates and builds schema before the lesson.
o Teacher is responsive to students’ questions.
o Teacher responds to students’ lack of understanding.
o Teacher provides the necessary support for students as they learn new
material (constructivism)
o Uses questioning and discussing techniques.
Comments: Your students were engaged in “Stellaluna” and seemed to enjoy the story.
The book supported your lesson for sequential and chronological order. You stopped at
appropriate times during the story to explain and answer questions that the students
had which enriched their schema. There were some interesting discussions, and even
though some questions may have been off topic, you brought the students back into
the skill being taught without frustration. Your questioning techniques helped your
students to think about how to take appropriate notes so that they could later
complete the flow chart.


I-1b Practices and encourages critical thinking, problem-solving and innovation to meet students’

Score: 4 Evidence:
o Uses appropriate instructional strategies to facilitate critical thinking.
o Guides students as they make various connections to other subject
o Uses open-ended and divergent questions to generate discussions
o Fosters independent thinking by allowing students to give their
opinions based on evidence.

Comments: Your questioning techniques helped the students think critically and use
their prior knowledge to answer questions. You gave enough wait time after questions
to allow your students to think independently and answer the questions. These
answers sometimes created short discussions about the story and order of happenings.
Your students were able to think of different ways that Stellaluna could have reacted
and interacted with the other characters and situations.
I-2a Understand constructivism as it pertains to student learning and students creating their own

Score: 4 Evidence:
o Teacher uses strategies and activities that require students to
synthesize information presented.
o Teacher guides students as they discover patterns and make
o Teacher allots enough time for students to explore concepts.

Comments: You used strategies that required students to synthesize the information
and skill being taught. You asked good guiding questions to help them make
connections in the story to experiences that they may have had.
III-7a, 7b Understand and uses various formal and informal assessments.

Score: 4 Evidence:
o The assessment is aligned with the lesson’s standards and objectives

Comments: As the students took notes about the beginning, middle, and end of the
story, you circulated the room to check for understanding. This observation of work
was used as your formative assessment. You praised students for having many
important points that happened sequentially in the story.
III-8a, 8b Knows and uses a variety of self-assessment (reflective) strategies to change professional
and/or pedagogical behaviors.

Score: 4 Evidence:
o Articulates reasons for selecting specific instructional strategies,
resources, materials, and technology for the lesson.

Comments: You articulated the strengths and weaknesses of your students to me at

the end of the observation. It is always clear that you know the students who struggle
and the ones who always “get it” in your classroom. This self-reflection will always help
you to be able to grow as a teacher.


I-2b Creates a learning community that bolsters the tenets of constructivism by encouraging student
interaction and participation in purposeful activities.

Score: 5 Evidence:
o Teacher has high expectations for all students
o Motivates and invites all students to participate
o Students and teacher interact with each other in respectful ways

Comments: This observation was inviting and engaging to all of your students. Your
students were motivated to participate. They asked inquiring questions that you
happily answered to allow them to understand and build schema. All students
participated and worked well with each other while fulfilling your expectations.
II-4a, 4b Demonstrates an understanding of diversity by structuring the classroom to provide for the
learning and needs of a broad range of diverse learners.

Score: 5 Evidence:
o Physical arrangement of the classroom facilitates interaction among
students and teacher
o Ensures that attention is given equitably to all students
o Materials are prepared ahead of time and are readily available to
teacher and students
Comments: Your classroom is arranged to provide a learning environment that reaches
all students. You circulated the room and included all students while asking and
answering questions. You were prepared to give this lesson and had all materials ready
for students.
II-5a, 5b Creates and uses a viable classroom management plan to enhance the classroom climate.

Score: 4 Evidence:
o Uses variety of appropriate praise for individuals and/or whole class
o Uses positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior
o Most of the students are actively engaged throughout the lesson
o Students know the rituals and routines for daily tasks

Comments: You have a classroom management plan in place and follow it. You use
class dojo to recognize appropriate behavior and behavior that needs improvement.
During the lesson, you praised your students for being engaged, listening, and taking
appropriate notes on the notecards. You students are aware of the rituals and routines
that you have in place.
II-6a, 6b Understands and demonstrates methods of fostering effective interpersonal relationship in
the classroom.

Score: 4 Evidence:
o Students show respect for each other when engaged in discussions
o Students and teacher interact with each other in respectful ways
o Engages students in discussions
o Uses questioning techniques
Comments: During this lesson, your students were very respectful to you and each
other as you read and asked questions about the book. All students participated and
were willing to answer the questions asked. You asked higher order thinking questions
to check prior knowledge and to spark interest in the book and assignment.

Additional Comments: This was a wonderful, engaging lesson that your students seemed to enjoy.
Your patient ways of helping and interacting with your students allows them to feel comfortable in your
classroom. Continue working on asking DOK questions to promote critical thinking and problem solving
skills. This will help your students to be successful on the GA Milestones.

Positives: See above.

Areas for Improvement: See above.

Candidate Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:________________

Observer Signature: ____________________________________________ Date:________________

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