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Dear Teacher Education Committee,

My plan of action for the one I scored on the TKES 6.3; First, I will make sure self-assessment
strategies are built into my lesson plans. I will use student led three way conferences, use rubrics for
self-assessments, allow the students to make goals in the beginning of each unit and make sure students
use time wisely. My students will know how important it is to self-assess and to use metacognitive
strategies (higher order thinking skills). The second plan of action on TKES 8.4, is to make sure that may
students know my expectation during transitions so, we can minimize loss of instructional time. I will
teach and model my expectation during transitions. For instance, we will be at zero level (no talking)
during transitions, I will make sure the students know what they need out of their cubbies for that
subject. If the students do not meet my expectations during transitions, we will stop and do a redo or I
will reteach my expectations of how we transition to the next subject. Also, I will make sure I am very
organized and have each subject at hand when we transitions so, there will be no loss of instructional
time. I believe that if the students know what the producers, routines and my expectations of
transitioning to one activity to another, then the students will have more instructional time and less
time spending during transitions.


Stephanie Mixon

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