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EN4820 - Ethics and Legal Fundamentals

Individual Contribution
K.Nilakshan 140416T

For the Safety Compliance assignment,we have chosen the Soldering

Room available in the second floor of ENTC as it is lagged in terms of
the general standards for a soldering room.We have divided the entire
tasks of the assignmet into four sub task as follows:
1. Applicable safety standards
2. Compliance of standards and the potential hazards occur if a stan-
dard is non-compliance
3. Applicable liabilities if standards are non-compliant
4. Suitable recommendations to meet such standards
In this I have covered the recommendation part for the non-compliant
standards.Under this I have suggested possible recommendations that
are applicable for the available environment.The recommendations are
related to electricity safety rules,soldering related rules, waste manage-
ment rules and personal hygienic recommendation for the users. I have
added the photos of the standard soldering room available in the foreign
industries and laboratories.
• Part 1:B.L.C.Perera 140448R 25%
• Part 2:P.K.N.T. Perera 140463H 25%
• Part 3:P.Priyanthan 140484X 25%
• Part 4:K.Nilakshan 140416T 25%

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