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Alaoui 1

Camelia Alaoui Ismaili

Professor Holly Batty

English 028

13 December 2018

Narrative essay reflection

For my first narrative essay, I was pretty proud of my work and my content. Especially

that this was my first narrative essay, or essay in general. I made sure that my story was clear,

and that the events were successive, and also that I narrated everything step by step. Although i

had some issues and errors with it, I did not have to change major things in my essay. But the

major thing that I did, was that I made sure I had the right MLA format, with the Times New

Roman, the size 12, and I also changed the size of the title to match with everything, with the

help of a tutor at the writing center. The second thing I had to edit was my grammar. Both Miss

Batty and the tutor pointed out my spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors; which I make a lot.

I changed a lot of repetitive spelling mistakes, and I also changed some words, for example I

have switched “ don’t” to “ do not”. I also capitalized every “i”, and changed commas as needed

( I turned them either into periods, semi-columns, or conjunctions plus commas). One of the

major things, was that i added more dialogue between my mom and I as Miss Batty suggested,

and also more sensory details to give more life to the story, and make the the people who reads it

feel like they are in the story

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