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Moyao 1

Gysselle Moyao

Professor Batty

English 102

10 December 2018

Poetry Essay Reflection

The top issues my essay had were organization, thesis, citing, grammar, spelling, and

syntax error. The first issue that I had to fix was the most important part of an essay, the thesis.

Looking back I don’t know how I missed how confusing and indirect my thesis was. I realized

that my original thesis was not straightforward because of the organization in my introduction. I

briefly mentioned how Gloomy Sunday used poetic devices that made the tone more melancholic

and then I cut to how the composer might have written the song to cope with his loss, which is

something that wasn’t part of the assignment. I fixed this by including exactly how and which

poetic devices were used and how it affected the overall message.

Another issue in my essay was the way I cited the lyrics in my paragraphs. I had looked

up how to cite lyrics in MLA format but I cited them incorrectly either way and resulted in me

using up more space than needed. To fix this I introduced the quote briefly, included the quote,

then explained it.

The first spelling error that I noticed when I reread my introduction was “lead”. Instead

of using the word “led” a used completely different word that shows how little I revised the first

time. Along with spelling mistakes, grammar and syntax errors were present as well. The way I

worded most of my sentences didn’t make sense or would have to be reread in order to get an
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idea about what they meant. I fixed this by eliminating words that didn’t have to be in a sentence

and still make sense.

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