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Figurative Language 

1. ____________ - comparing two things ​without u
​ sing like or as 
Ex. She’s the apple of my eye. 
2. ____________ - repetition of a ​consonant s​ ound 
Ex. She sells seashells by the sea shore. 
3. ____________ - using object or idea to r​ epresent a​ nother object or idea 
Ex. The symbol of the Slytherin House in ​Harry Potter​ is a serpent. 
4. ____________ - words that ​sound like​ the noise they represent 
Ex. The bees buzzed as they flew back to their hive. 
5. ____________ - using words that contain the s​ ame sounds 
Ex. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. 
6. ____________ - using words or phrases to appeal to the s​ enses 
Ex. Looking out my window, I saw trees of vibrant green, skies of deep blue, and 
flowers in hues of bright pink. 
7. ____________ - ​reference t​ o another piece of writing or art 
Ex. If it doesn’t stop raining, I’m going to have to build an ark. 
8. ____________ - repetition of a ​vowel ​sound 
Ex. There was a fleet of sleeping geese. 
9. ____________ - ​exaggeration f​ or dramatic effect 
Ex. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. 
10. ____________ - giving non-human objects ​human characteristics 
Ex. The tulips nodded their heads in the breeze. 
11. ____________ - comparing two different things ​using like or as 
Ex. You’re as cold as ice. 

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