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Assalamualaikum wr.


Sunday, August 5th 2018. 07:46 PM. Lombok Earthquake, of 6.9 magnitude – killed more than 460 souls,
wrecked hundreds of homes and sent people fleeing into the streets.
Friday, September 28th 2017. 06:00 PM. A 7,5 magnitude earthquake triggering a tsunami with waves up
to 6m high in the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi causing tremendous damage. Homes flatteneed, flows of
mud and soil destroyed the city of 300,000 people. The earth, rock and stones – turned into wet sand,
swallowing hundreds of people.
Monday. October 29th 2018. 06:33PM. On board crashed Lion Air #JT610 plane with 189 passengers,
from Jakartanto Pangkal Pinang. Someone out there is missing their parent, brother, sister or loved ones
due to this incident.

Ladies and gentlemen, only in the span of three consecutive months, Indonesia has been hit with three
major tragedies. On land, we are demolished. On water, we are swept with forces bigger than we can
imagine. Even high up in the clouds, we are blasted like birds falling from the sky.

My friends, all of these difficulties are a trial of Iman from Allah. And Allah tests those whom He loves.
Our Prophet Muhammad SAW was tested with severe hardships during his life. Both physical, social and
psychological. Allah has clearly said in Quran Surah Al Baqarah “And most certainly shall We try you by
means of danger, and hunger, and loss of wordly goods. But give glad tidings to those who are patient.”

So the questions are; Why does Allah test us? When he already knows everything? And how do we know
if it’s a test or punishment for our sins?

My dear friends, it is because Allah wants to show the beautiful patience and character out of our
Ummah to the world. It is also because Allah wants to increase their ranks in this world and their rewards
in Jannah. The higher the pain that they bear patiently, the higher the rewards in Jannah, Insha’Allah.
Because staying strong through all the hardships in this world will build us into people of characteristic,
self discipline and integrity. Those who bear more hardships are more used to helping others, because
they have experienced pain firsthand and know what its like to fight it.

Our Iman during times of hardship, is a clear image of how we truly feel towards Allah, towards our Deen.
Do we become humble and seek tawbah? Do we istighfar and remember Allah? Are we patient in facing
all the trials given?
Or do we become angry at Allah, at the world, and at everyone else? Why me? Why do I have to go
through this? Does Allah not love me? Do we start to doubt Allah and start disobeying him and his rules?
instead of turning back for comfort and support? Allah said to those who are facing difficulties or trials
that He is with them by guiding and supporting them. Allah said “Surely, Allah is with those who are As-
Saabirun(the patient)”Because truly, Allah will not give something we cannot bear. Allah knows what is
best. For you and for me.

Today, we need to remember that our main role model in this life, the perfect celebgram we should all be
following; is Prophet Muhammad SAW. He taught us the virtue of patience. Out of all mankind, how
many things did he have to suffer, not for the sake of himself – but for his ummah? Which is why, today –
on this maulid, as muslims of this world, let’s take a moment to remember, to send our greetings and
prayers to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who was born today. As a leader of our ummah. Which has
brought us from the days of darkness, towards the glory light. Let us thank Him, and not walk backwards
again. May we all be in Allah’s protection and care.


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