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Individual Research Project Proposal

For my research project I would like to discuss the uses and benefits of using music

technology services such as GarageBand to introduce basic instrumental music. As far as I can

tell, most of the literature surrounding music technology treats music technology and

instrumental music instruction as two separate things. I would like to discuss how similarities

between instruction in both these topics can lead to a lesson or class that could bring instruction

that complements each other and what that could look like. Bauer (2014) writes about how

teachers need to be able to use a variety of technological tools so that they can fulfil their

student’s needs. I would like to apply this philosophy to using music technology to enhance a

student’s learning when it comes to instrumental music.

Practical application of music technology to enforce student’s music education is almost

what I would like to discuss, but i would like to focus in on how specifically how the music

technology can enforce instrumental music concepts. As Dorfman (2013) talks about how to use

of alternative ensembles and curriculum when it comes to music technology, I would like to use

this information to synthesize a similar experience applying what could be some of the same

things to ensure that students are developing in their instrumental music.

Bauer, W. I. (2014). Music learning today: Digital pedagogy for creating, performing, and

responding to music. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.

Dorfman, J. (2013). Theory and practice of technology-based music instruction. New York:

Oxford University Press.

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