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Well, here i will do a physics experiment, which related with heat absorption. Entitled anti fire balloon.

What tools and material are needed? Firs needed two balloons, candle, matches, and the last enough
water to fill one of the balloons.

How to step?

First light acandle with a matches. Then blow the red balloon, which is a balloon that is not filled with
water. After that place the red balloons on the fire. What heppened? What happens is the red balloon
explode quickly.

The second balloon ia the blue balloon, the balloon is filed with water. And blow a blue balloon filled
with water. After that place the blue balloon on the fire. What heppened? The blue balloon doesnot
explode like a red balloon.

Why all that can happen?

The white balloon doesn't explode because the balloon layer is easliy exploded, especially if it is hit by
sharp objects. Fire is a sharp object. The air blown on the balloon will be accommodated in the balloon,
air has properties that always meet all angles of space. The nature of balloons taht are sensitive to fire,
as well as flammable ballon rubber, plus the presence of air inthe balloon will make the balloon easliy

And why doesn't the green balloon explode?

When water in a balloons is heated, the water will absorb most of the heat from the flame. So the
rubber balloon doesn't get hot and the balloon doesn't explode. Water is very good heat absorber. But if
we let the balloon burn for along time, so the water temperatur in the balloon increases and the balloon
will explode.

So the conclusion from this experiment, water is a substance that is able to absorb heat very well. High
heat is needed to change this water temparatur. Well thats why balloons doesn't explode when balloons
filled with water are heated.

So many experiment about heat absorption of anti fire balloons. I end, hopefully will be useful.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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