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Fake rope - 60 reps as high or low as you want

2. Body weight squats - 15 reps deep

** Set-ups for active rest - 15 reps with hands on hips

** 5 to 8 times through this superset

3. Jump up & down on steps - 30 reps

4. Step touches - 30 reps

** Stepping for active rest - 30 reps

5. Burpees - 15 reps

6. Side hops - 15 reps

** 5 to 8 times through this superset

** Step up and back for active rest - 15 reps

7. Jump squats - 15 reps

8. Reverse lunge - 10 reps per side

9. Jump rope - 30 seconds

** Walking for 15 - 20 seconds

** Hit again, hit it again, hit it again

10. Squat touch - 15 reps each side

11. Touches - 15 reps

** Step ups - 15 reps

** Throw in some push-ups if you would like

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