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The demongod lives in another dimension,
he is the ruler of that dimension.He rules
the underworld too. He is more powerful
than the devil and all the demons. He
thinks he is overpowered and the best ever,
but one day that all changed. One day
down in earth in North America, Califor-
nia, san Francisco, fall, on halloween, it’s
ten a clock at night. James, Micheal, and
Michelle are telling stories, right now
James is telling his story. His story is
called the Demon God.
Michelle’s turn is over
and it is James’s
turn.”James it’s your
turn to tell the story’’,
Michelle said.”But
don’t make it scary’‘Mi-
chelle said again. ‘‘Ok I
won’t’‘ said James.

‘’The Demongod ruled
over everyone millions of
years ago’’,said
James.’’So... that means
he’s dead right’’? Michelle
whispered.’’Oh I forgot to
get Max’’,said
Michelle.’’Be right back’’!
Michelle exclaimed.

‘’Max do you want to
listen to James’s
story’’? Michelle said.
‘’Sure little sis’’, Max
said. Then Max and
Michelle went down

James said,‘’Oh yeah, the
demongod is still alive Mi-
chelle’’. ‘’Mm...’‘Michelle
said. michelle said,‘’Let me
see then’’. ‘’Ok’’ James said.
But first let me call mike
and Micheal to see if they
want to come.

15 minutes later... ‘‘They’re here’’ !
‘’Open the door’’ James exclaimed.
knock knock. ‘’Hey guys what are we do-
ing today’’,Mike said.’‘we’re going to
prove the Demongod is real’’,said
James. ‘’Ok, hold hands and let me say
the word: spawn Demongod! yelled

They all fell through a portal
which made them in a differ-
ent dimension. They were very
surprised but very scared.
They wanted to explore.

While they explored
they got caught in the
under world. They
had to find a way out.
So when the demon
guard was asleep they
snuck out.

They ran when they had the
chance. They ran fast as
soon as they knew they were
lost so they had to hide.
Then they saw the de-
monGod. They were terri-
fied. Then luckily they
knew that James had Je-
sus’s phone number.

Then the phone rang.’‘brbrbrr’’.’’Who is that’’? The de-
mongod said. ‘’Don’t you know that phones make
noise’’? Michelle said. ‘‘oops’’ James said. ‘’welp there
goes our lives’‘said Micheal. ‘’shh...’‘everyone whis-
pered. ‘’I’m taking off my shoe’’ said Michael. ‘’why’’?
Michelle said. Then Michael threw his shoe at the de-
mon god. ‘’Hey’‘the demon god said.’’Contact an angel
or something I’m to young to die’’ Michelle said. ‘’ So
they contacted Jesus and he just came out of no where.
But then the demongod took them and tried to kill them
but Jesus saved them.

Jesus fought the Demon-
god and won so every-
thing was fine and they
all had a happy life and
never had bad dreams


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