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So basically all you’re doing is changing some memory addresses in the game itself and once close the
game it will restore back to original code but still keep the hack value in the game memory. Now the general
purpose of cheat engine is to create hack scripts and once you had bit more practice then it’s the same for
most games and soon you will be able to do it on your own. So in this tutorial I will show you how to create
hack script from the hill climb racing 2 pc app game as simple way to demonstrate some basic technique.



Watch Cheat Engine Trainer Making Tutorial Video 1: Finding Exact Memory Address Values!

This method is easy once you get to practice the basic part of making script hack code. ~ My Video!

Finding Values:
01) You must always run game first and then after run cheat engine.
02) Open ‘process’ and click on 'Processes' tab then open the "HillClimbRacing2.exe" from the list: My Image!
03) Enter the coins value plus +1, e.g. If value is 1100 then change to 1101 then click 'First Scan': My Image!
04) Race and collect some more coins and enter new coins value +1, eg. 1413 then click 'Next Scan'. If more address
are found then repeat this step again until down to lowest few memory addresses: My Image!

Beware, changes done to the find value address in cheat table been anti-hack protected and causes the game to crash.

Watch Cheat Engine Trainer Making Tutorial Video 2: Auto Assemble & Code Injection!

Auto Assemble:
05) Now double click on the memory address and move to the bottom area of cheat table.
06) Right click mouse button and select "Find out what writes accesses this address" then click 'Yes' to attach the
debugger then opcode instruction box will appear.
07) Need to buy any one item with coins and the assemble code will appear in the opcode instruction box and click on
the memory address then click on 'Show Disassembler': My Image!
08) In the memory viewer click on "mov [rdx+38],eax" then click 'Tools' tab and select "Auto Assemble".

Code Injection:
09) Now Auto Assemble box will appear and click 'Template' tab then select "Cheat Table Framework Code" click
'Template' tab again and select "Code Injection" then click 'Ok'.
10) Under the line “originalcode” change the assembly code as shown but don't click on the ‘Execute’': My Image!

Original Code:
Change “mov [rdx+38],eax” to “mov [rdx+38],(int)1000000000”

11) Instead click 'File' tab and select "Assign to current cheat table".
12) Go back to the cheat engine and you can now delete "no description" find value memory addresses by right click
select “Delete the record" then you can also close all other extra command boxes. If there more than one addresses to
delete, you can hold down shift key and click left mouse button to select more addresses in a row.
13) You can double click on Auto Assemble script and rename description to anything you want, e.g. Coin Hack.
14) To enable the hack script tick the active box to see ‘Red Cross’ and click again to disable: My Image!
15) Only thing to do now test it and save file and if you want to create trainer click on 'File' tab then select "Generate
Generic Trainer LUA Script From Table": My Image! (You will find the trainer tutorial at bottom of this page!)

NOTE: If you can't find the exact value then sometime use this +1 value method but not necessary on all games.

The method is same as before with coin hack script and the tutorial steps will be in less detail this time. ~ My Video!

Finding Values:
01) Enter any of the gems, craft or scrap value +1 then click 'First Scan'.
02) Now buy any of the items and enter new value +1 then click 'Next Scan'.
03) If lot more addresses are found then repeat step 2 again until down to few memory addresses.

Auto Assemble:
04) Now double click on the memory address and being to the bottom area of cheat table.
05) Right click and select "Find out what writes accesses this address" then click 'Yes' to open Opcode box.
06) Buy one more item and in Opcode instruction box click 'Show Disassembler'.
07) In the memory viewer click on the code you going to change then click 'Tools' tab select "Auto Assemble".

Code Injection:
08) In auto assemble box click 'Template' tab then select "Cheat Table Framework Code" and click 'Template' tab
again to select "Code Injection".
09) Now underneath the line “originalcode” change the following code but reminder don’t click on the ‘Execute’.

GEMS Original Code:

Change “mov [rdx+00000110],eax” to “mov [rdx+00000110],(int)1000000000”

SCRAP Original Code:

Change “mov [r8+00000450],ecx” to “mov [r8+00000450],(int)1000000000”

CRAFT Original Code:

Change “mov [rdx+00000450],eax” to “mov [rdx+00]000450],(int)1000000000”

10) Now click on 'File' and select "Assign to current cheat table" then close the auto assemble box.
11) Return to main cheat engine and enable the hack script by tick the active box and click again to disable.

NOTE: You’re not always going to be able find values because on some games the values are kept on sever side,
e.g. The Hill Climb Racing 2 challenger race season points’ values for example..


This method is slightly different but useful to know if you don't have the exact value as it display a bar or needle.

Watch Cheat Engine Trainer Making Tutorial Video 3: Finding Unknown Memory Address Values. ~ My Video!

Finding Values:
01) Now select scan type to "Unknown Initial Value" and also tick pause the game but don't click 'First Scan' yet...
02) Start adventure race and go into reverse until the car has stop moving then click 'First Scan': My Image!
03) When first scan finish but while game pause change scan type to "Decreased Value" but don't click 'Next Scan'.
04) Now resume the race for 1 or 2 seconds then click 'Next Scan' to pause and wait scan finish: My Image!
05) Keep repeating this same step 4 few times then change scan type to “Unchanged Value" and click few more times
to remove any unwanted addresses than change scan type back to "Decreased Value" again and resume the race and
pause then click 'Next Scan' until you find memory addresses count has drop down low as possible: My Image!
06) Press Ctrl + A on the remainder few addresses and click on the 'Red Arrow' to move all them into the cheat table.
07) Now tick each active box and resume the race to see if which one stop the fuel gauge from moving down then
once you found the correct address, select "Find out what writes to this address" and resume the race to find the code.

Beware, that the tick box method is now been anti-hack protected and will cause the game to crash: My Image!
Auto Assemble:
09) Now you have found the "movss [rdi+000003F0],xmm0" code, click 'Show Disassembler then click 'Tools' tab
and select "Auto Assemble": My Image!

Code Injection:
10) Now click 'Template' tab and select "Cheat Table Framework Code" then select "Code Injection".
11) Underneath the “originalcode” line, change movss to mov and change xmm0 to (float)98.

"SS meaning scalar single-precision floating-point value and can cause an error message to pop-up, if not deleted.
Also (float)98 hack code is to increase the maximum value and is useful for energy, health and fuel gauge or bar"

Original Code:
Change “movss [rdi+000003F0],xmm0” to “mov [rdi+000003F0],(float)98”

12) Now click 'File' and select "Assign to current cheat table" to return cheat table.
13) Right click on "Auto Assemble” script and select "Set Hotkeys" then click 'Create Keys' to activate & deactivate
function commend: My Image!

“So by setting hotkeys to you script you can enable and disable the script without game pause. You can now play all
game modes and not worry of having low fuel or just for fun, fit thrusters, wings & air control but also craft all items
to the max on your vehicle and glide as far high in the air without running out of thrust fuel”

NOTE: This form of method can be tricky and may take some practice. If need help watch: Stephen Chapman video!


This method can be very useful if you need to activate two or more scripts at the same time. ~ My Video!

Try do this yourself; First you need find the exact event points value then create auto assemble to code injection this
hack code "(int)500" into these two source codes. If you need assistance then watch this part of GamersUni video?

Original Code:
add [rcx+000003A8],esi

Original Code:
add [rax+2C],esi
mov rcx,[rbx+000000C0]

2) Once modify has been done then will need to create group header by right click on one of the script and select
"Create Header" and give header a group a name.
3) Next task is to drag both of the hack scripts into that group header and right click select "Group Config" and tick
both entry “Activating & Deactivating its children”, so that both scripts are enable and disable together: My Image!
4) To create hotkeys by right click on 'Group Header' and select "Set Hotkeys" then click 'Create Hotkeys': My Image!
5) The same as before but this time the enable command is known as freeze and disable is unfreeze then click 'Ok'.

NOTE: If you can create this event hack script without watching my video and do it successfully then congratulation!


This method is useful to test area of unmodified code and once you have found the code you want to modify and have
now auto assemble & code injection into the cheat table then save as "ct" file and there no need to reuse the find value
anymore and all need to be done is modify and test until you have working hack code script.

1) From the main cheat table double click on the script that you want to modify or test.
2) The auto assemble box will appear as before and underneath “originalcode” then make changes to assembly code.
3) Once you have done modified changes then click 'Ok' and tick the active to test your hack code script.
4) You can keep modifying the test script and if the game crashes then restart game and redo whole process again.

NOTE: The common source code you are most likely to be used for hacking: mov, add, sub, inc, dec, int, jmp & float.

Watch Cheat Engine Trainer Making Tutorial Video 4: Complete Walkthrough Guide & Read Forum Tutorial!

Watch how to hack almost any game using memory pointers method and create C++ trainer by Guided Hacking!

Watch complete playlist tutorial on everything you need to know about hacking technique by Stephen Chapman!


The cheat engine comes with two ways of method; Generated Designer or Table Form for advance users. ~ My Video!

1) In main cheat engine go click 'File' tab then select "Generate Generic Trainer LUA Script Form Table".
2) Click 'Add Hotkey' and choose hack script: My Image!
3) Press a key want to set as hotkey and toggle enable script: My Image!
4) This is optional: Enter description of hotkey action and if want beep choose a sound.
5) Click 'apply' and click 'create hotkey' to create disable scrip key then click 'Ok'. My Image!
6) Repeat same steps from 2 for all the hotkeys action.
7) Fill in information: tick popup key press if want hotkey for about, give trainer a title and about info, set icon in the
top left corner and also set side image, uncheck stop users from resize trainer and now once you are done then click
'Generate Trainer': My Image!
8) Now give your trainer a save file name then click 'Save'.
9) Now choose your windows bit version if 32x or 64x and click 'Generate' then successfully done: My Image!

How to create icon image is easy, just cut and paste image into Microsoft paint editor and resize about 100kb size then
convert image file to icon file from this free on-line website: Now upload your image and tick the ICO
for ‘Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista and XP’ then click on the convert ‘ico' to download file.


Click the 'deign user interface manually' to switch to table form editor then you be able to modify or create own trainer
from beginning and when you have finish just click 'go back to generated designer': My Image!

If you need reset original cheat engine trainer setting to default then go to cheat table and press Ctrl + A to select all
hack script and press Ctrl + C to copy then close cheat engine and restart it again and press Ctrl + V to paste hack
script into the cheat table then open process and select "HillClimbRacing2.exe" then save as “cetrainer” file. Now go
back to the trainer generated designer you have restore to the original cheat engine trainer setting: My Image!

Watch Cheat Engine Trainer Making Tutorial Video 5: Create Checkbox Trainer Using LUA Table Form Method!

NOTE: When saving your trainer it is best to use file extension "cetrainer" then to compile into exe program this can
cause some antivirus program to detect as a "win32/hacktool" virus or malware even though does no harm to anyone
windows system and the file size is much larger to send by email. Now to protect your save "cetrainer" from anyone
seeing your hack scripts, go to the cheat engine ‘File’ tab and select save as and save your file and pop-up message
will appear to ask if you want to protect your File then click 'Yes' and you're done.

PS: All these cheat engine methods may seem bit tricky at first but not too hard to do as I only been doing hack scripts
for a month now, just give it a go and I also recommend downloading the first original hill climb racing to practise
your new hacking skill and more times you try the easier it gets, so good luck, have fun and enjoy!

By Black Hat eMatrix

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