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HTML • /eɪʧ-ti-ɛm-ɛl/ • noun

Stands for "HyperText Markup Language", and it is the primary document format on the Web. It is a standardized system
for tagging content on a web page so that a web browser knows how to present it properly to the viewer. It is a
standardized way to describe a document's structure and the roles of the different parts of that document.
HTML (Hyper
Text Markup
are made up
of content
and tags.
These tags
describe the
content so
that the web
the structure
of the page.
HTML tags
typically come
in pairs, an
opening tag
before and a
closing tag
after content
like so:
When these three pieces are combined (start tag, content, and end tag), you have what is called an HTML element.

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