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Engleza:sa ne alegem o tema si sa facem un referat care sa contina in jur de doua

pagini.  Enjoy!!

1.description of a tax haven

2.the most powerfull tax haven does globalization work on tax haven?
4.the white and black list of tax haven
5.history of tax haven
6.activity of tax haven haven in europe
8.benefits of tax haven
9.advantages and desadvantages of globalization
10.positive and negative effects of globaliz.
11.europe and globalization
12.negative impact on underdeveloped countries.impact on the branding strategies
13.attitude and perceptions of consumers
15.investing in global and foreign markets
16.long term investments
17.the prospects for Brazil, Rusia, India, China.
18. islands that enjoy rewords from their role as tax haven

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