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- ¥ % FUTURE OF HOPE Corporate Social Responsibility Overview - WELEOME TO OUR CORPORATE Sele NE RESPONSIBILITY peel Onl With this report we wish to demonstrate that Corporate Social Responsibility is a key element of our culture and an important contributor to the sustainablility of our business. Our world is changing rapidly. We, of course, need to continue to be both sustainable and profitable, but need to do so ina way that protects the environment, supports communities, respects employees, and demonstrates ethical behavior. As we complete our 20 years of existence, we refine our approach to corporate social responsibility. This document provides an overview of our new corporate social responsibility framework, our related philanthropic initiatives and reports of our past activities. AT MALABAR GROUP, WE AIM TO CONDUCT OUR BUSINESS TO WHE BESi) INDUSTRY STANDARDS INA MANNER THAT |S SAFE, ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE AND SENSU = 1k) Unie Nice Dis: AND CONCERNS OF COMMUNITIES. THE KEY PRINCIPLES THAT GUIDE THE GROUP REMAIN AS VALID TODAY AS WHEN THEY WERE ADOPTED ON OUR FOUNDATION IN 1993.

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