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To our highly-esteemed inducting Officer, Hon. CYNLAI MERCEDES L.

Provincial Federation President; to our very workaholic College President, Dr.
GREGORIO T. TURQUEZA; our very untiring Vice President for Academic Affairs,
Dr. Noel Begnalen, our ever-supportive executive Dean, Ms. Leigh, our very
persevering Director for Student Services, Dr. Leticia M. Benabese

Our highly-competent deans and chairpersons of various colleges, the equally

competent members of the faculty, the advisers and officials of different
mandated and accredited organizations, my fellow students.

Ladies and gentlemen, a splendid morning to one and all!

I am indeed so honored and privileged to welcome you all for today's Induction
Rites anchored on the theme, “.” Few moments from now, we will witness our
newly-elect student leaders of the different campus organizations, taking their
oath and pledging their commitment towards the advancement of students’
rights and welfare and their noble contribution in the school development.

There is no cookie cutter recipe for creating the perfect leader.

Every leadership role is unique and requires a tailored plan of action. What
works for me, may not work for you; one person’s strength may very well be
your weakness and that is completely okay.

Leadership is about service – altruistic, dedication and humble service. We are

being elected into office not to be served but to serve our constituents. Such
service should not wait something in return because genuine leadership is never
about personal aggrandizement but about responding to our responsibility to
our fellow men. As student leaders, serve dedicatedly our fellow students and
execute whatever is in your plan of actions.

Challenges will always be inevitable and dissapointment always comes after it.
There is no assurance that everybody would agree on your terms. You will be
judge. Positive vibes will be vanish but that's it, soon you'll be someone's own
version of batman and superman. I do hope that perfect timing will come, that
they'll realize that you've served not for yourself but for everyone.
Leadership is about growing new leaders. The greatest achievement of being a
leader is to be able to grow another leader. Mentoring is very important in
leadership. Remember that our position is just temporary. Soon, our positions
will require new leader. And if we want to sustain the vision and mission of our
respective organizations, then learn to empower leadership in your respective

Having been part of various organizations in the past, I have gained meaning of
what leadership truly is. It is about the courage to stand up for the right, the
compassion within one's heart that has to be ignited and the bravery to serve.

As I step out of my comfort space and take on this new endeavor, I will dedicate
myself to serving, leading and inspiring people to be brave and do great.

I will definitely prove to all that Engineering students are more than just
numbers, that future Engineers can be the best SG President ASIST could ever
have! After a decade of sleep, the maroon crab has again finally awaken to take
the challenge of Leadership.

To end, I would like to challenge you, my fellow student leaders, to make a

difference in your respective organization. Initiate worthwhile projects and
programs, walk your talk and serve with passion, commitment and sense of

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