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Chapter 2

My Daily Activity

Wake up Brush my teeth Comb my hair

Take a bath Wash my hair Wash my face
Get dressed Eat breakfast Go to school
Clean the house Study at school Go home from school
Play with my friends Watch TV Do my homework
Water the flowers Read a book Go to sleep

A. Write the English!

Bangun ____________ Mandi ____________

Keramas ____________ Gosok gigi ____________

Mencuci muka ____________ Memakai baju ____________

Menyisir rambut ____________ Sarapan ____________

Pergi ke sekolah ____________ Membersihkan rumah ____________

Belajar di sekolah ____________ Pulang sekolah ____________

Bermain dengan teman-temanku ____________

Nonton TV ____________ Mengerjakan PR ____________

Menyiram bunga ____________ Membaca buku ____________

Tidur ____________
Time of Day
In the Morning In the Afternoon In the Evening At Night

B. Answer the questions below!

1. What do you do in the morning? ____________________________________
2. What do you do in the afternoon? ____________________________________
3. What do you do in the evening? ____________________________________
4. What do you do at night? ____________________________________

C. Answer the questions below!

1. What time do you wake up every morning? __________________
2. What time do you take a bath every morning? __________________
3. What time do you eat breakfast? __________________
4. What time do you go to school? __________________
5. What time do you go to sleep? __________________

D. What do you do?

1. What do you do after you wake up? __________________
2. What do you do after you take a bath? __________________
3. What do you do after you go home from school? __________________
4. What do you do before you play with your friends? __________________
5. What do you do before you go to sleep? __________________

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