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By Alina Morton

1. difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality.

What psychological traits cause men and women to

Is equality for women getting better or worse?

“Refreshingly, [Professor] Sax did not
argue that brain research hints at an
innate female inferiority, on average,
in science and math.Instead, he argued
that the problem lies in the
educational system that teaches boys
and girls the same things at the same
time” (Fine, 168).
“The parenting circuits are there in
the male brain, even in a species in
which paternal care doesn’t really
exist. If a male rat, without even the
aid of a William Sears baby-care
manual, can be inspired to be a parent
then I would suggest that the prospects
for human fathers are pretty good”
(Fine, 88).
How can we move past gender inequality
to achieve a society of equals in
Thanks For Watching!

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