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12 White Birch Drive,

Morris Plains, NJ 07950


September 25, 2018

Ms. Elizabeth O’Boyle

VE Facilitator
20 Rita Drive,
Morris Plains, NJ 07950

Dear Ms. O’Boyle:

I have recently heard about your wonderful start up company and am wri ng to you about my interest for your need
of a Vice President of Administra on at the VE of PHHS. I am currently residing in the area, and firmly believe I
possess the creden als and qualifica ons necessary for this post.

In high school, I have held numerous leadership posi ons that have allowed me to get a feel of what it is like to run
to a group of people and how to push them to achieve a greater goal. An example would be my posi on of a sec on
leader in the marching band has given me the opportunity to lead my sec on from “rookies” members to an award
winning band. These past few years have given me prac ce in holding mee ngs, crea ng and execu ng a plan, as
well as experience in communica ng with fellow peers and working together towards a common goal.

In addi on to this firsthand experience, I have completed an AP Economics course, as men oned in my a ached
resume. With the comple on of this, I have gained knowledge in the basis of both macro and microeconomics, as
well as knowledge in the workings of a business and its relevance to the en rety of the economy. I am confident that
I can use the informa on that I have me culously learned will greatly benefit this company.

The VE of PHHS has many opportuni es and poten al as a start up, and my aspira on is to work for and evolve
alongside this company. I am looking forward to hearing back from you and would be open to an interview, or even a
chance to speak with you about other employment opportuni es as well. I will be in the Morris Plains area for the
rest of September and I look forward to hearing from you. Should you have any ques ons, I will contact you in the
next two weeks with a follow up.


Jason Lei


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