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Twelfth House [Vraya Bhaava or Moksha Bhaava]:

 According to Hindu astrology, the first 8 houses of the horoscope indicate worldly
pleasures and attainments (iha loka sukha), while the last four (9, 10, 11 and 12) denote para
loka saadhana or spiritual fulfillment. The 9th house is the house of dharma, 10th that of
artha, 11th of kaama and 12th of moksha.

 The 12th house governs a souls' final emancipation from the chain of births and
deaths. It governs the meditative capabilities and ascetic life style which the native follows.

 In material terms, it denotes losses and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste
and extravagance, expenses far outweighing income, drudgery and deception.

 This house also denotes the charity which one undertakes, and one's association with
and donation to philanthropic organizations.

 The 12th house indicates the repayment of one's borrowed loans.

 The 12th house also indicates one's sleep habits and shayana sukha (the pleasures
which one is to enjoy in bed).

 Poverty, sorrows, sins, confinement and imprisonment, obstacles to one's ways,

misery and misfortune are all under the purview of the 12th house.

 It also shows the scheming nature of one's enemies and the traps and pitfalls one may
fall into.

 It is the house governing fears, inferiority complexes, hallucinations, delusions,

misgivings, suspicions and other negativities.

 It is also known as the house of solitude, secret and silent suffering and self-undoing.

 The 6th house shows ordinary service rendered to others, while the 12th house shows
profound service rendered to humanity or mankind at large.

 In mundane or political astrology, the 12th house deals with all philanthropic,
charitable and reformative organizations, jails, asylums, hospitals, and places of confinement.
It refers to crime in general and criminals, spies, foes, secret agents and enemies of the
country in particular.

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