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Wocmal | Hypo Tiyper Foods Range ‘Sodium | 135- | Causes: hypotonic tube foods, head injury, | Causes: uid oss (@larthea, water Salty foods Nae ais | siaow. eprivation, too much saline solution or table méa/L_ | Symptoms—confusion, tired, abdominal _| salt, heat stroke, Symptom: erave water, dry ns. cramping, increased urination, crave salty _| sticky mucous membranes, weakness (more changes foods, seizures ‘common here than with hypo), in severe Interventions administer saline give salty | cases: convulsions, decreased level of foods (canned veeties). Dietary always frst. | consciousness. interventions: increase water intake, decrease sodium intake. Potaesum | 35=50 | Causes: vomiting, heavy pepration ‘Causes: darrhea, renal allure, Keparing potatoes, ke méa/ | wasting drugs (some airetis) poor intake of | diuretics, hyponldesteronism, Sx eardlae carrots, K. S&S: cardiac arrythmias, eg eramps (big | arest, muscle weakness, rrogulr pulses, GI | meat, fish, ‘cardiac one], lethargy, decreased Gi motility, hyperactivity Treatment: Hat K intake, tomatoes, changes creased bowel sounds, decreased tendon | increase fluids, give K exolate enema, give K avocado. reflexes, lethargy, deptesced Twave on EKG. | wasting lure, dali in renal patient. Treatment: give k Total [8S= | Causes: hypoPTH, acute pancreatitis, Causes hyperPTH Sympioms lethargy and | varia, Calcium | 10.5 | nyperphosshatemia, inadequate vitamin | weakness, Bone pain, decrease OTR, dsiry a2 | mg/t__| intake. signs: weak bones, bad teeth, circum | constipation, renal stones, heart block, products, oral numbness, +Trousseau & Chvostek sign, | Treatment: increase fluid intake and fiber, dark green Neuro severe muscle eramping, muscle tremors, can_| limit calcium-rich foods, encourage leafy changes progress to convulsions, decrease cardiac __| movement, acid-ash dit (cranberties, prunes) _ vegetables utput, eardiae disrythmias, hyperactive DTR. | helps prevent stone formation Dietary TS—25 | Causes lots time ute af ertain drupe ‘Causes: Epiom sate (come abuse aslasatives), | green leafy ez — | méq/t | (dures) loss from GI rack. Sans: ‘onal fare and adrenal palents 2 sk. vegetables, neuromuscular iritailty with tremors, Signs vasodilatation, nausea, vomiting, fish, Newo Increased reflexes tachycardia disorientation | muscle weakness or parahyss, hypotension, | legumes, changes and confusion, anorexia, difficulty swallowing, | bradycardia, decreased OTR, respiratory | whole respirator cfficlties. Extreme -mast often | depression or coma, respiratory and cardiac | grains, best In maternity patient ~have convulsions arrest. Treatments fuids,satety precautions | source ie ‘Treatment: foods high in Mig {uo to potential changes In level of dred fr consciousness, monitor vital sign closely

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