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The document regarding the “Practice and Procedure for Conducting Youth Parliament” is quite

lengthy. Hence, I am listing important points that seem feasible as per me to adopt and give the
programme a feel of working of a Parliament. Point number 4 and 8 are the most important among
all. The first ten (+1) pages of the document have been summarized in following page:

1. The sitting arrangement of the members should resemble to that of the Lok Sabha. It may
also include the gallery for the visitors, the “Press”, the “diplomats” and the “distinguished
visitors” etc.
2. The session should start with the arrival of the speaker and the marshal shall announce his
arrival as “माननीय सभासद, माननीय अध्यक्ष जी”. Thereafter, the entire house shall stand up
and the speaker shall bow to left and then right and then in front of him. The respective
members shall also bow towards the speaker.
3. The next items on the agenda such as “Oath or Affirmation by New Ministers” and “Obituary
reference” to a deceased member of the parliament may be skipped.
4. The first part of a sitting in the Youth Parliament should be devoted to oral question commonly
known as Starred Questions which is the most popular hour for the parliament and the public.
The questions must be related to public administration. The judges will give credit for the
quality of the questions asked and replies given.
Framing of Questions: The questions can be the day to day problems faced by the common
citizens. Such as, long queues before DMS milk booths in Delhi or shortage of milk at these
centres. This can form the subject matter of a searching question about the performance of the
However, these questions should be relevant to the items of business allocated to the ministry
Questions should be printed separately in the “List of Questions” and the speaker should call
out the name of a member in whose name the question stands. And the relevant member shall
ask the question which should be replied by the member concerned.
Note: There should be no discussion on question or lengthy supplementaries be made by the
6. The next topic is “Adjournment Motion” which can be skipped.
7. “Questions Involving a Breach of Privilege” may also be skipped.
8. Calling Attention Motions
Urgent matter of public importance may be addressed through this procedure without taking
recourse to an Adjournment Motion.
The member is asked by the speaker to make a statement. The other members may ask the
questions which the minister replies on the spot. There is no debate on the statement but
members may ask questions to seek clarification.
The calling motion is an important item in the agenda of the Youth Parliament.
Some of the subjects on which the Calling Attention Motions were admitted in the Parliament
are as under:
(i) Situation arising out of the employees of Delhi Transport Corporation.
(ii) Need to ensure remunerative prices to the sugarcane growers for their product.

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