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(BRASBYI@PEG] GIIEGLY) 2010 CHAPTER 1&2 QUESTIONS(CELL INJURY) ANSWERED MCQ Enumerate: Types of tissue cells. Types of necro: Types of amyloidosis. Materials of accumulations and depositions. Sites of metastatic calcification. Causes of cell injury. Mechanism of action of injurious agent, Cyskeletal abnormalitites. Types of atrophy. ‘Types of metaplasia. Causes of hepatic steatosis. Sequelae and complications of amyloidosis. Causes of hyalinosis. Examples of dystrophic calcification. ibe: Pathology of brown atrophy of the heart. Concept of true aging process, Gross and microscopic picture of organs showing hydropic swelling, Pathology of organs having fatty change. Microscopic picture of coagulative necrosis, Aetiology and pathogenesis of necrosis. Apoptotic changes. General gross and microscopic picture of organs suffering from amyloidosis. Pathology of renal amyloidosis. Mechanism of primary haemochromatosis. Manifestations of haemochromatosis, Define (what is meant by): Biopsy. i, Leukoplakia. Cytology. j. Necrobiosis, Autopsy. k. Autophagy. Degenerations. 1. Autolysis Accumulations. m. Hyalinosis. Depositions n. Bronzed diabetes. Progeria. ©. Sago spleen. Hypertrophy. Complete: (ANSWERE! Labile cells are (cells divide 24 hours as epithelium, BM, lymphoid cells). @ (A Stable cells are (cells divide on need_, need GF). Permanent cells are (cells that never divide as CNS, skeletal , cardiac) Mitochondria in cells are _(powerhouse, energy producing ATP. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum are important in lipid_synthesis & Calcium & _detoxication of drugs & food _. Nucleus is important in cell division& genetic material. Plasma membrane is important in Na/K pump & cell. ‘Two examples of vascular atrophy are renal artery stenosis cause kidney atrophy& coronary atherosclerosis cause cardiac atroph’ Lipochrome pigment is normally present in the body in test Aging is due to genetic& mitochondrial abnormalities Metaplasia is change of one mature differentiated cell type into another mature differentiated type of the same species due to chronic irritation . Necrosis is irreversible cell injury, death of a large number of cells associated with acute inflammation. Pale infarction is due to squeezed RBCs by swollen necrotic cells as in solid organs. Red infarcts are due to RBCs cant squeezed by necrotic cells as in loose organs. Liquefactive necrosis is due to rapid lysis of necrotic cells. Two examples of liquefactive necrosis are pus&brain infarction. Enzymatic fat necrosis occurs in pancreatitis, release of lipase into omentum & mesentry cause rupture fat cells & calcifications Fibrinoid necrosis is due to death of muscle or collagen fibres into thin threads. Autolysis is slowed by refregiration and stopped by formalin Examples of pathologic states of apoptosis are viral hepatitis& tumors (malignancies) Amyloid type of primary amyloidosis is AL. Amyloid type of secondary amyloidosis is SAA. Amyloid type of hereditary amyloidosis is_ATTR_. Pathological calcification is deposition of calcium outside bone & teeth tor (identity), is & supraren: Matching : Degeneration(d) a, is due to sudden arterial occlusion, Accumulation(e) b. concentration of metabolites outside cells, Deposition(b) ¢. increase in size and weight at organ. Congulative necrosis(a) _—_d. concentration of material formed outside Hypertrophy the cell & become inside any cell. e. concentration of metabolites inside cells. MCQ: ‘An irritant acting on the tissue may cause: (a) Degeneration. (b) Necrosis. (©) Inflammation. (@) Cellular proliferation. (¢) All of the above. Cloudy swelling commonly affects: (a) Parenchymatous cells. (b) Mucous membranes. (2

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