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This excerpt from

A Theory of Content and Other Essays.

Jerry Fodor.
© 1990 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

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Index of Names

Anderson , J., 229 Devitt, M., 131

Antony, L., 131 Dewey , J., 81, 206, 208
Auntie, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 16, 19, 20, 25, Doyle, C., 21
28 Dretske , F., 28, 34, 35, 38-42, 43, 49, 57-
Austen,J., 202 58, 61-64, 75, SO , ~ , 83-84, 103, 104,
120, 121, 132, 133, 135, 162,228
Bacon , Fo , 232 Dreyfus , B., 11, 12
Baker, Lo, 103-106,116,121, 131,133,134 Duhem , P., 230
Barwise , Jo, 26
Bernoulli , 117, 145, 155 Eisenhower , D ., 67
Bever, To, 214
Block, No, 10, 13, 17, 111 - 114, 131 Field, H., 16, 29, 32
Boghossian , Po, 119, 131, 135-136 Fodor , J. A., ix, 6, 8, 16, 17, 28, 29, 31,
Bossom , Jo, 258 32, 34, 47, 75, 90, 92, 103 , 124, 132
, 134
Boyd, Ro, 7 162 , 167 , 176 , 191 , 200, 214, 228, 245
Brentano , Fo,70, 75, 79, 96, 112, 125, 127, 262 , 263
126, 130 Frege , G., 163 , 168 , 170 , 180
Bruner , Jo, 199, 204, 217-221, 222, 225, Freud , S., 128 , 129 , 174 , 175, 241
230, 243, 251
Burge , To, 17, 29, 31 Galanter , G., 229
Gall, F., 202
Callas, Mo, 68 Garrett , M., 214
Carey , So , 229 Gibson , J., 31, 81, 197,208
Carroll. L... 228 . Glymour , C., 29
Chomsky , N., 53-57, 63, 128, 174, 175, Goodman , N., 241, 247
228, 229 Gould, S. J., 70, 227
Church land, Paul, 8, 10, 11, 12, 29, 31, Gregory , R., 206, 238, 239
221-222, 235-238, 244, 247, 253-263 Grice, H. P., 177, 178, 179
Church land, Patricia , 11, 12, 29, 31, 87,
226-227 Hanson , N., 243-244, 247, 250
Cummins , R., 10, 28, 135 Harman , G., 17, 32, 110
Haugeland , J., 11, 12
Darwin, C., 64, 65, 70, 72, 73-79, 86-87, Held, R., 258
91, 106, 145,225-226 Hempel , C., 158, 184
Davidson , D., 6, ~ , 150, 153, 156, 157, Hornstein , N., 145, 157
159, 170, 173, 176 Hume, D., 24, 49
Dennett , D. C., 7, 9, 12, 23, 28, 31, 75,
76, 78, 79, 85, 87, 131, 179,263 IsraelD., 71- 72, 81, 86, 92, 132
270 Index

Jackendoff , R., 187 Saussure , Fo, 161

James , W., 21 Schiffer , So , 177- 191
Joyce, J., 21 Searle , Jo, 11, 12, 17, 31, 135
Sellars , Wo, 17
Kant, I., 21, 203, 230 Skinner , BoFo, 31, 53-57, 58, 63, 7' -75,
Kaye, D., 207 SO, &3, ~ , 99, 120
Kripke, S., 94, 110, 135- 136, 165 Sossa , Eo, 148
Kuhn, T., 173, 240-241, 247 Stabler , Eo, 23
Stalnaker , Ro, 17, 29, 32, 64, 84, 179
Larkin, Jo,229 Stampe , Do, 28, 34-38, 43, 44-45, 49, 162,
Lepore , Eo, 148-150, 153, 228
Levine, Jo, 131 Steven son, Ao, 67
Lewontin , RoCo, 70, 227 Stich, So , 6, 8, 11, 12, 27- 28, 29, 31, 145
Unas, Ro, 228
Loar, Bo, 17, 29, 32, 60 Tarski, Ao, 84, 177
Loewer , Bo, 131, 148-150, 153
, 156
, 176 Turing, Ao, 188
Lycan, Wo, 17 Tyler, Lo, 213
MacCorquadale , K., 54 Vendier
, Z., 18, 28
Marslen , W., 213 Vygotsky, L., 208
, B., 164
Mates , 165, 171, 176
Matthews , R., 29 Wagner, S., 102, 131, 132 - 133, 135
Maudlin, T., 68, 102 , 131 Weinstein, S., 102
McGinn. C.. 17 Wittgenstein, L., 54, 99, 135,136,161 - 162
Mckinley, W., 27
- 158
Mclaughlin, B., ix, 131, 156, 157
Milanov,Z., 68
Miller, G., 229
Millikan, R., 65-69, 72, 75, 76, 85-86, 179
Moore , G. E., x
, D., 60, 75, SO
Papineau , 86, 179
, L., 151- 152, 153, 158
, J., 26
, J., 208
, 128
Pribrum , K., 229
Pub1am , H., 6, 7, 27-28, 31, 83, 103
, 105
175, 176
, Z., ix, 191,216
, W" x, xi, 6, 27, 31, 56-57, &3, 176
Quine ,
, 184
, 235
Ramsey , F., 13
Key,G., 131 , 132
Rock , I., 206
Rosenthal , D., 87
Ross, W., 157
Russell , B., 124
Ryle, G., 31
This excerpt from

A Theory of Content and Other Essays.

Jerry Fodor.
© 1990 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


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