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Santa Claus tree reindeer sleigh

fireplace stocking presents chimney

cards ornaments lights bell

wreath star holly ribbon

Look at the pictures, choose and circle the correct option.
1 2 3 4

a) chimney a) tree a) reindeer a) stocking

b) ornaments b) presents b) fireplace b) sleigh
c) Santa Claus c) bell c) cards c) lights
d) ribbon d) holly d) star d) wreath

5 6 7 8

a) reindeer a) Santa Claus a) sleigh a) chimney

b) lights b) cards b) presents b) tree
c) fireplace c) wreath c) ornaments c) bell
d) ribbon d) stocking d) star d) holly

9 10 11 12

a) sleigh a) reindeer a) tree a) bell

b) cards b) fireplace b) lights b) Santa Claus
c) stocking c) ornaments c) chimney c) presents
d) ribbon d) holly d) wreath d) star

13 14 15 16

a) reindeer a) tree a) Santa Claus a) reindeer

b) chimney b) presents b) fireplace b) stocking
c) lights c) star c) cards c) ribbon
d) wreath d) bell d) holly d) ornaments

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