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Erich von Daniken believes that the ‘Chariots of the Gods’ that appear in the myths and legends of peoples all over the world, from the Mayas to the Ancient Egyptians, from the Australian Aboriginals to the Jews of the Old Testament, were really visiting space-ships; and that the gods themselves were none other than cosmonauts, In this book he sets his evidence before us again, in pictorial form, and asks us to judge for ourselves, What explanation can we offer for aero- dynamically perfect model aeroplanes dating from the times of the Pharaohs, or a map, drawn by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513, showing longitudinal positions with the accuracy ‘impossible’ before the eighteenth century, and contours of Antarctica only discovered by modern survey methods in 1952? In Search of Ancient Gods asks us to look at our experiences with new eyes and to open our imaginations to a set of staggering possibilities, In Search. of Ancient Gods My Pictorial Evidence for the Impossible Erich Von Daniken ! “Translated by Michael Heron Also by Erich von Daniken CHARIOTS OF THE GODS? RETURN TO THE STARS GOLD OF THE GODS MIRACLES OF THE GODS ACCORDING TO THE EVIDENCE Ns OF THE GOMS? CORGI BOOKS and published by Corgi Books A DIVISION OF TRANSWORLD PUBLISHERS LTD IN SEARCH OF ANCIENT GODS A CORGI- BOOK 0) 552.1073 0 Originally published in Great Britain by Souvenir Press Lid, PRINTING HISTORY Souvenir Press edition publishedt 1974 Corgi edition published 1976 Corgi edition reprinted 197% Corgi edition reprinted 19K Copyright & 1973 by Econ Verlag Trasatin soph «1979 by Mie Hern Souvenir Press Conditions of sale {This book is sold’Subjéér to the condition that it shall wot by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired! out or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior crnse ‘any form of binding or cover other than tht in whieh published and without a stmila condition including thix condition being impased on the subsequent purchaser 2: This book is sold subjest to the Standard Conditions ot Sale of Net Books and may not be re-sold in the U.K. below the net price fixed by the publishers for the book Congi Books are published by Transworld Publishers Lid, Century House. 61-63 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London W Printed and bound in Great Britain by Cox & Wyman Lid, Re Men haye heen fascinated by space since time itn- memorial, What did those pinpoints of light in thy heavens mean? Surely those glittering strings of beads seemed to form ontlines of aufioals? Or were they human beings? Gould the lights be the onses of the gods? Our galaxy consists of about 100,000 million fixed stars, ht it is only a Giny past of the Milky Way, achich contains some twenty galaries within a ra dius of one-anelihulf milion light years, (One light yeur is roughly equal to six maffion: milton niles.) Even this figure is sinall in comparison with the approximately 1,500 million galaxies that have been recarded so far, Where does it come from, this ineredibl oof matter that is seattered throughout the auiverse over many mil- Tious a fight yeats? Even today the answers to that qjwstion aze uo more than theorie “There is the Hig Bung theory, AHL inatter was come pressed jute one primordial atou, whieh created sucht presume on its owat core that it exploded. "Tho yluxies nriginnated from the shower of pieces produced by this heavy aniss of matter, In 1812 Christin Doppler proved that ifa source of light moves away fram the observer, the spectram ss a shitt towards reel, The Doppler elfect” kes it passible to rmasare the specd of the hw 926 Eelwin Powell Hubble was able to

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