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This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix ANA. It has several important meanings. 1) UP as in No.

ANAcatharsis. 2) BACK as in No. 7, ANAchronism. 3) AGAIN as in No.11, ANAlpsis, be well again.
4) EXCESSIVE, TOO MUCH as in No. 8, ANAcusia, quite deaf.

1. Anabasis : ANA basis (a nab’ a sis) n.

A journey upward; a military advance

2. Anabiosis : ANA biosis (an a bie o’ sis) n.

The state of suspended animation

3. Anabiotic : ANA biotic (an a bie ot’ ik) adj.

Relating to anabiosis

4. Anacatharsis : ANA catharsis (an a ka thar’ sis) n.

Severe vomiting

5. Anacephalize : ANA cephalize (an a sef’ a lize) v.

To review; recapitulate

6. Anachorism : ANA chorism (a nak’ o riz um) n.

A thing out of place in terms of geography

7. Anachronism : ANA chronism (a nak’ ro niz um) n.

An error in order of time

8. Anacusia : ANA cusia (an a kue’ zhi a) n.

Complete deafness

9. Anadipsia : ANA dipsia (an a dip’ si a) n.

Excessive desire to drink

10. Anagenesis : ANA genesis (an a jen’ e sis) n.

Restoration of tissue

11. Analeptic : ANA leptic (an al ep’ tik) adj.

Restorative; giving strength

12. Analogy : ANA logy (a nal’ o jee) n.

A resemblance between two situations

13. Analogue : ANA logue (an’ al og) n.

A situation which corresponds to another

14. Analogous : ANA logous (a nal’ o gus) adj.

Corresponding to; as, an analogous case

15. Anagram : ANA gram (an’ a gram) n.

A word formed from the scrambled letters of another word

16. Analyze : ANA lyze (an’ al ize) v.

Examine all elements; as, analyze a word

17. Analysis : ANA lysis (a nal’ i sis) n.

Separation into elements

18. Analytic : ANA lytic (an al it’ ik) adj.

Treating of analysis

19. Analytically : ANA lytically (an al it’ i k’l lee) adv.

In the manner of analysis

20. Ananym : ANA nym (an’ a nim) n.

The spelling of a name backward for use as a pseudonym; as, MR. Draw for Mr. Wardphrase

If you do something by means of a particular method, instrument, or process, you

do it using that method, instrument, or process.
This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.

The trailer was connected to the car by means of a complicated system of hoses, pipes and rods.

Synonyms: by way of, using, through

puls & pel

These ROOT-WORDS are PEL & PULS which come from the Latin pellere & pulsus and it
means DRIVE, PUSH & THROS. It is a ROOT-WORD that takes seven Prefixes to give full range of
its violence. There isn’t a peaceful word on the list nor is there a quiet moment in its usage-Inner and
outer turmoil accompanies this ROOT-WORD. Of course, if that is the impression wanted, there’s
nothing better, but be certain that that is the word you want before you use PEL or PULS.

1. Impulsion :im PULS ion (im pul’ shun) n.

An uncontrollable impulse to actl; as, an impulsion to shoot

2. Pulse :PULS e (puls) n.

Beat; heartbeat

3. Pulsation :PULS ation (pul say’ shun) n.

The regular heartbeat; throbbing; as, the pulsations of the wind

4. Compel :com PEL (kom pel’) v.

To urge; force

5. Compulsion :com PULS ion (kom pul’ shun) n.

The state of being forced; driven

6. Compulsive :com PULS ive (kom pul’ siv) adj.

Being forced; as, compulsive eating

7. Compulsory :com PULS ory (kom puls’ o ree) adj.

Acting under compulsion; as, compulsory education

8. Expel :ex PEL (ek spel’) v.

Drive out; throw out; as, expel from school

9. Repel :re PEL (re pel’) v.

Drive back; as, repel the enemy

10. Propel :pro PEL (pro pel’) v.

Push forward; as, the use of steam to propel ships

11. Impel :im PEL (im pel’) v.

To force; to urge; as, facts impel the jury to judge him guilty

12. Dispel :dis PEL (dis pel’) v.

To scatter; to drive away; as, dispel doubt

13. Impulsive :im PULS ive (im pul’ siv) adj.

Driven to act quickly;

14. Repulsive :re PULS ive (re pul’ siv) adj.

Disgusting; as, repulsive language

15. Repulse :re PULS e (re puls’) n.

The action of driving back; rejection; as, his proposal was repulsed

16. Propulsive :pro PULS ive (pro pul’ siv) adj.

Tending to push forward

17. Propulsion :pro PULS ion (pro pul’ shun) n.

State of being pushed forward

18. Repellent :re PEL lent (re pel’ ent) adj.

Driving back; as, water-repellent fabrics

19. Expulsion :ex PULS ion (ek spul’ shun) n.

State of being expelled, thrown out

ab & abs

These ROOT-WORDS are the Prefixes AB & ABS meaning AWAY, FROM & SEPARATION. Please
note the two ways of spelling this ROOT-WORD. The s is added to AB before the letter t. It is easier to
say AB stain than ABtain. The meaning of the ROOT-WORD remains the same. Learn to recognize this
ROOT-WORD, and be sure it is at the beginning of the word and not at the end. In the middle of a
word or at the end it is not the prefix.

1. Abbreviate : AB breviate (a bree’ vee ate) v.

To shorten; make brief

2. Abdicate : AB dicate (ab’ di kate) v.

To give up; as, abdicate a throne

3. Abduct : AB duct (ab dukt’) v.

To lead away by force; kidnap

4. Aberration : AB erration (ab e ray’ shun) n.

Act of wandering away; unsoundness of mind

5. Abhor : AB hor (ab hor’) v.

To turn away from; loathe; shudder at

6. Abjure : AB jure (ab jure’) v.

To swear away; renounce

7. Ablate : AB late (a’ blate) v.

To remove; to cut away

8. Ablution : AB lution (a blue’ shun) n.

The act of washing away; often in a rite

9. Abnegate : AB negate (ab’ ne gate) v.

To relinquish; give up forever

10. Abnormal : AB normal (an nor’ mal) adj.

Away from the normal; aberrant

11. Abolish : AB olish (a bol’ ish) v.

Do away with; completely destroy

12. Abortion : AB ortion (a bor’ shun) n.

A rubbing or scraping away

13. Abrasion : AB rasion (a bray zhun)n.

A rubbing away

14. Abrogate : AB rogate (ab’ ro gate) v.

To repeal; to do away with

15. Abscond : AB scond (ab skond’) v.

To steal away and hide; to decamp

16. Absolve : AB solve (ah zolv’) v.

To free from blame; exonerate

17. Abstain : AB stain (ab stane’) v.

Hold off from; as, abstain from voting

18. Abstergent : ABS tergent (ab ster; jent) n.

A cleanser; something to remove dirt

19. Abstract : ABS tract (ab strakt’) v.

Draw away; separate from association

20. Absorb : AB sorb (ab sorb’) v.

Such in; drink in; as, a sponge will absorb water

bene,bon & boun

These ROOT-WORDS are BENE,BOUN & BON which means WELL & GOOD. As you see, the list is
composed of ten words with each ROOT. Words No. 14, 15, 16 come from the French and they are
really French, but the ROOT-BON comes from the Latin, to the French.

1. Benefit : BENE fit (ben’ e fit) n.

An advantage; as, the job has fringe benefits

2. Benefiter : BENE fiter (bon’ e fit er) n.

One who benefits; as the employee is the benefiter

3. Beneficial : FENE ficial (ben e fish’ al) adj.

Wholesome; as, bathing is beneficial

4. Benefactor : BENE factor (ben’ e fak tor) n.

One who benefits others

5. Benefaction : BENE faction (ben e fak’ shun) n.

A gift; a donation

6. Benefactress : BENE factress (ben’ e fak tres) n.

A female benefactor

7. Benedict : BENE dict (ben’ e dikt) n.

A male name which means “Blessed"

8. Benediction : BENE diction (ben e dik’ shun) n.

A blessing

9. Benefice : BENE fice (ben’ e fis) n.

The gift of an income to a priest of a church

10. Benevolent : BENE volent (be nev’ o lent) adj.

Being good hearted; a well-wisher

11. Bonny : BON ny (bob’ y) adj.

Sweet and attractive; as, a bonny child

12. Bonus : BON us (boe’ nus) n.

Extra benefits, usually extra pay

13. Bonanza : BON anza (bo nan’ za) n.

An unusually rich vein of gold or silver in a mine

14. Bonbon : BON bon (bon’ bon) n.

A small candy

15. Bonbonniere : BON bonniere (bon no nyar’) n.

A fancy dish or box for bonbons

16. Bon mot : BON mot (bone moe’) n.

A witty remark or repartee

17. Bonify : BON ify (bon’ i fie) n.

To convert into good

18. Bounty : BOUN ty (bount’ ee) n.

A reward; a gift; generosity

19. Bountiful : BOUN tiful (bount’ i ful) adj.

Generous; munificent

20. Bountifully : BOUN tifully (bount’ i fu lee) adv.



This ROOT-WORD is DORM which comes from the Latin dormire & ormitum TO SLEEP. Many words
are combined with DORM. The dormer window in the attic bedroom: The dormant partner in a
business: Dormant buds on spring blooming plants - all these and more.

1. Dorm : DORM (dorm) n.

A dormitory

2. Dormitory : DORM itory (dor’ mi tore ee) n.

A building of sleeping rooms or a room that sleeps many

3. Dormancy : DORM ancy (dor’ man see) n.

State of being static; motionless

4. Dormant : DORM ant (dor’ mant) adj.

Being in a state of suspended animation; as, a dormant animal

5. Dormouse : DORM ouse (dor’ mous ) n.

A small kind of rodent resembling a squirrel

6. Dormitive : DORM itive (dor’ mi tiv) adj.

Causing sleep; as, a drug or sleeping potion

7. Dormition : DORM ition (dor mish’ un) n.

State of falling asleep; figuratively, death

8. Dormilona : DORM ilona (dor mi loe’ na) n.

A sensitive plant

9. Dormient : DORM ient (dor’ me ent) adj.


10. Dormeuse : DORM euse (dor muz’) n.

A carriage arranged for sleeping while traveling

11. Dormer : DORM er (dor’ mer) n.

A small window in a bedroom under the roof

1. Dorm : DORM (dorm) n. A dormitory

This ROOT- 2. Dormitory : DORM itory (dor’ mi tore ee) n. A building of
WORD is DORM which comes sleeping rooms or a room that sleeps many
from the Latin dormire &
ormitum TO SLEEP. Many
words are combined with 3. Dormancy : DORM ancy (dor’ man see) n. State of being static;
DORM. The dormer window in motionless
the attic bedroom: The dormant
partner in a business: Dormant
buds on spring blooming plants 4. Dormant : DORM ant (dor’ mant) adj. Being in a state of
- all these and more. suspended animation; as, a dormant animal

5. Dormouse : DORM ouse (dor’ mous ) n. A small kind of rodent

resembling a squirrel

6. Dormitive : DORM itive (dor’ mi tiv) adj. Causing sleep; as, a

drug or sleeping potion

7. Dormition : DORM ition (dor mish’ un) n. State of falling asleep;

figuratively, death

8. Dormilona : DORM ilona (dor mi loe’ na) n. A sensitive plant

9. Dormient : DORM ient (dor’ me ent) adj. Sleeping

10. Dormeuse : DORM euse (dor muz’) n.
A carriage arranged for sleeping while traveling

11. Dormer : DORM er (dor’ mer) n.

A small window in a bedroom under the roof

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