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LUYEN THI NANG LUC NHAT NGU TRINH DO N3 TRONG 4 TUAN @® NIHONGO 500, ‘Tac gla: Matsumoto Noriko, Sasaki Hitoko H O | Dich gid: Le Le Thay 4h O Q & ee JIA - Yuy yo ny Wey ae BUNPOU bt Xt (CTU ACL NCAUALA aA ALo4 9 rent BAN TRE evince tn is bel Preface / Loi ndidau ZOE + FAIBEE DAUR NG CBB SLNIOAD EDO ACT. +1209. 4EM CMe CeRT. oME- BS QHOSAIPENTI ALC HRT 6 LET, BONBP TCHR. + SERRE. Hecht MAT SZESTRRS. BAMIC PHS KUENS! CVITEBSVET. ELEAMBEMUT. FREONEOWEL £5. ‘This book: + is for stucients planning to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test levels N3. + takes 20 minutes a day for four weeks to finish. + can help you improve your Japanese language sili nf areas, nlucing wring, vocabulary, and grammer. «+ enables you to focus on studying just your weakest areas ‘As one Japanese saying goes, “getting used to something is more important than leeming it, 80 please strive to improve your Japanese by practicing the many exercises in this book, May, 2018 Noriko Matsumote / Hitoko Sasaki 201558 WAOT EARLE Cudn sch nay: + Danh cho ngudi c6 tinh dd dye thi Ky Thi ning lie tiéng Nhat (NS) ++ Ban o6 thé hge 20 phit mai ngay trong yang 4tuin + Trinh 49 tng hop cia ban 88 durge nang Jen thong qua vige hoc chO, tir vung, nad hap mot edch can a, + Ban cling 06 thé tap trang vao hoe phan nao. ‘ma minh cam thdy van cba yéu, ‘rong tiéng Nhat c6 cu “Quen tay hen hoe”. Ban hdy lam hét ode bai t@p dé ddi d4p cho nang lye tiéng Nhat eda minh, ‘Thang § nam 2018 Noriko Matsumato f Hitoko Sasaki | 8 R Leos ie - _— (EZ WADIT Peetace voinoradu 3 C.DAOABUNA — vow'o use this Book cach st: dyng cubn séoh..- BS , ee , = Week 3/ Tuan thir 3 uss. . ce 145 BD sscate orto +REUAR KanjiList/Danh myo chirHén @ peal BURRESS A b Voeabulary List Arranged by Parts of § Danh myc tir vyng theo tiriogi ¢SB RRB UA ‘Sentence Patterns, Grammar List Dank mye mau céu ~ngo phap 282 w 2B5

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