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What We Think We Become

With Guided Steps to Success

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ISBN: 978-93-88381-71-0
Price: ₹ 223.00

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What We Think
We Become
With Guided Steps to Success

Durgesh Satpathy

(Since 2011)


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The most sacred act in life is to live for others.
-to my wife, with love

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Author’s Note
Once, for an official assignment, I was at Nagpur.
When Vaishali came to know I was there, she
invited me to her home for dinner. Vaishali is a
psychological counselor and a good friend of mine.
That day, even though I was with her, my mind was
in a different world. I was in an imaginary realm
and started whispering something.

“Hey … what is going on inside your mind?”

Vaishali asked.

“Imagine a world where everyone is happy, no

negativity, no sadness, only peace, and peace …
everywhere,” I reverted.

Vaishali: “Do you really want to make us

jobless? If nobody becomes sad, no depression …
how can I get any client?”

Afterward, an unending discussion continued

up to dinner. Finally, we concluded that if there
were no sorrow, happiness would be tasteless.


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We appreciate our blood relations not because
we live with them under the same roof, but because
of their true support in adverse life situations.
Difficulties in life help us in strengthening our
relationships, and at difficult times we realize our
true friends, we realize our strengths.

Every adverse situation in life has two

messages: a negative memory and a lesson to be
cultured. We have to choose what to discard in time
and what to hold with us. Hold any of the messages
to share with our next generation, the negative
memory or the positive lesson we have learned.

When I was at the 12th standard, most of my

friends who wanted to be doctors or engineers are
now altogether into a different profession. They
didn’t want to be doctors or engineers because they
were exposed to the working environment of these
professions or lifestyle of the people in such
professions. But because their parents have some
vested ambitions from them. Who is wrong here?
Are the parents who own the ambition of their
son/daughter or the children with rented ambitions
in life?

It’s difficult to say if anyone of them is wrong.

Both the children as well as their parents have some


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goals. However, the road to achieving those goals is
not known to them, or if known, it is not clear.
Every one of us, whether we as a kid or a
father/mother or a guide, knows what goal should
be set. But the only thing is nobody has actually
told us how to achieve those goals.

Prabhat is one of my best friends since

childhood. My mother used to say “Prabhat is
reading 16 hours a day and he will definitely get
more than 90% marks.” Nevertheless, I knew his
strengths and weaknesses very well, and he was a
good student indeed. It’s not like I dishonored my
mother’s concern about my career or my life, but I
didn’t want to achieve success in that way what my
friend Prabhat was practicing.

“Practice makes a man perfect.” It is one of the

most heard lines from my mother since childhood,
and I think you must have heard this statement too.
She is 100% right. Everybody talks about practice,
practice, and practice…. Our parents do say too.
But most of us don’t review our practice. If you are
practicing “SMELE” instead of “SMILE,” even
after a thousand times of trying, you may never be
able to smile properly in your lifetime. Most of the
students do so; they do not practice their goals in


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the right way. This is not because they don’t have
strength but because they are not aware of.

This book will help you to understand yourself

from a different perspective. It will help you
practice your goal in the right way.

“Right practice can make a man perfect” and

not necessarily “practice makes a man perfect.”


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We are shaped by our thoughts; we become
what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows
like a shadow that never leaves.
— Buddha

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Sr. Chapter Page

1 Spices of Life 1
We have a beautiful world around
us; the only thing is we have to see
it from the right angle. We can
attract millions of people from that
2 Winners Vs Losers 7
Winners receive positive signals in
every situation of their life.
Nobody is a failure and nobody is
perfect. You don’t need to have a
guide to succeed, rather need
redirection of your thoughts.
3 Why I Am So...? 14
Everyone in this earth has some
inborn qualities that they are not
aware of. Stop asking questions
about your weakness and start
exploring the real you.
4 The Known and Unknown Self 20
Nourish what capabilities are


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known to you and discover what is
hidden in you. Don’t lose
opportunities due to a lack of
awareness of your hidden
5 Open the Blind Spots 26
Understand your skills with the
help of psychometric assessment
tools. Explore your unknown
abilities, your motivators, your
strengths, and weaknesses.
6 Goal 37
Understand the key characteristics
of a goal. The concept of reward
and punishment mechanism of our
brain and its impact on the goal
attainment process.
7 The Goal Basket 51
Shift yourself from the old concept
of goal setting. Understand the
importance of goal splitting. Why
is it important to have multiple
8 The Value Basket 60
Understand the role of positive and
negative values in life. Get to
know the art of discarding
negative values and climbing the


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ladder of positive values.

9 The Linkage 70
Linking positive values to your
goal makes you closure to success.
Learn the art of linking positive
values with your life goals.
10 Goal Sheet 75
Understand the different ways of
creating a goal tracking sheet and
adopt the best tracking sheet as per
your need.
11 Vision Board 81
Use of visualization technique to
achieve your goal. Visualizing
goals helps us achieve goals in the
right span of time.
12 Get Ready to Move a Lot of Dirt 87
When will you pause, how will
you activate yourself? How to get
prepared for the hard work? Get
yourself abstained from negative
13 Accept Criticism 92
A preoccupied mind is like taking
slow poison; we consume it
unknowingly and allow ourselves
for self-harm. Understand how to


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deal with criticism in a positive

14 Expect Change 99
Are not we the creator of our
sorrows and happiness?
Understand the art of accepting the
pains as it comes and become a
15 Add Lives to Your Goal 105
Understand the art of capturing
more and more positive moments
in life and change the way you


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Durgesh Satpathy

1 Spices of Life
Happiness is like an outcome of a mechanical
watch; you need to recharge your happiness
hormones every day.

When I was a kid, I have observed very closely

the functions of the mechanical watch. My father
used to rewind the key of his watch every day to
update it. Gone are the days when most people used
to wear mechanical watches, digital revolutions
made us little lazy these days.

On the other side, our mind, body, and soul

have different needs; most of our hormones
function like the application of mechanical watches.
We need to nourish them every day to get fit and
work with a healthy life. Not only hormones, most
of the inputs that give us strength to move forward
need a daily reminder.

Many times we follow people from an angle

that attracts us most. And it’s also a fact that there
are a number of angles to view a person. A few days
back, I was looking into a picture of a lady on

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What We Think We Become

Facebook. I can’t exactly say whether she is pretty

or ugly, but there was something in her that created
an impact in my mind. As a human tendency, we
love to look at people whoever attracts us; whether
you are a girl or a boy, married or single, it doesn’t
matter, we get attracted because we love to imitate
good things in our life.

Most people often love to wear clothes similar

to what their favorite actor or actress wear and it’s
obvious. I got inclined toward her in just one look. I
wanted to explore her, who she is…, what she
does… and from where she is. I started surfing her
profile. I have seen hundreds of quotes on her
Facebook page, those quotes are really inspiring. I
thought it will be a great thing if I get to know such
a personality in life. If she can motivate me, she can
motivate others too. etc. etc… I wanted to know
more about her; I started surfing her pictures, I
started clicking on next…next… but I wasn’t able
to look at her face. Nothing was updated in her
profile, from where she is and what she does.

As her thoughts were heart touching, I wanted

to be in touch with her, I wanted to have her in my
professional network. I sent a text on Facebook,
expressing my views about her. She reverted, “Sir, I
am feeling blessed that you liked my thoughts

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Durgesh Satpathy

shared on Facebook, but I am not such a great

person that you suppose to explore.”

It’s not a right approach to occupy some space

in others life without their consent. So I thought I
should stop exploring her and concentrate on my
business. I reverted, “Thanks for everything; it was
a nice conversation which I had with you and I
would love to spread your inspiring thoughts to this
beautiful world.”

It was indeed a no-loss no-profit incidence; we

come in contact with many people in life but only a
few people stay with us for a long time as friends or
family members. So I closed this page and started
enjoying other pages of my life.

One day, at an early morning, I saw a big line

of ants moving toward my bathroom. My first
priority that time was to how to move them out
from my bathroom; otherwise, it may harm my
daughter. So without taking much time I took some
gamaxin powder and sprinkled on the source from
where they were coming. After half an hour when I
approached toward the bathroom, I noticed that
most of the dead ants were dispersed across the

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