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A Separate Reality

Further Conversations with Don Juan

(Book 2)

Introduction P-9

“you have no peace…” P-13

“You feel too damn important.” P-16
Interpreting perceptual data P-19
“You only look at the surface of things.” P-20

The Preliminaries of “seeing” P-29

The poor children with no hope P-31

 “What’s it like to see…?” P-50
 The warrior’s way P-63
Death – Headlights following Carlos P-63
 Controlled folly P-100
 Nothing matters P-100
Luminous beings P-131

The task of “seeing” P-137

Carlos meets Don Genaro

“You think about everything. You failed because of your thoughts…” P-164
 The illusion of victory or defeat P-169 - 175
The button nosed boy (story of the little boy crying) “A promise you made…”
P-163 to 175
 Live like a warrior P-176 – 187
“When you see…” P-194, P-200, P-204
“One must overcome everything” P-206
Living strategically P-220
 Live and act like a warrior (Internal talk, shields, world as mystery) P-258 – 265
Listening to the “sounds of the world”. P-266
Finding holes, finding messages and directions P-267
“You are chained to your reason…” P-313 - 315

Epilogue P-317

 “Nothing has really changed in you.” P-317

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