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mH Hz mz (Un GARRY | a T KASPAROV : @ | : : i Making the ha from the Board ‘In this book, chess is a teacher, and | aim to show it is'a aa Here Grandmaster and World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov shares the powerful secrets of strategy he has learned from dominating the world’s most intellectually Cola Fei euatediayoaset: Ui (ode cise Pll MC colg ao ems es LletLe and emotional skills to navigate life's toughest challenges and maximise success no matter how tough the competition. CUO Ocha Sunt aan Oe ure iti Meter nua tem a Non Cie Conte in Drawing on a wealth of revealing and instructive stories, not only from the most intense and decisive moments of his greatest games, but also from his wide-ranging and perceptive reading, Kasparov reveals the strategic ways of thinking that always give a player — in life as in chess — the edge. We learn about the great figures of the game, and how their contests have shaped chess history; from Capablanca and Alekhine to Bobby Fischer and Kasparov’s nemesis, Vladimir Kramnik. BUC momOM MOS UM meee CCR OUTST mice Cm “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” If we trust in our abilities Lom ra SWUM eer Cle Mme tere nel Ia Oral elo ecm Cee MN CILE strategic mind. As Sun-Tzu distilled the secrets of the art of war and Machiavelli unveiled the lessons to be learned from courtly intrigue, Kasparov — a player whose record is likely never to be rivalled - reveals how and why the game of chess is a fitting and powerful teacher of how to be prepared for, and how to win in, even the Girocmee ran settee ours ‘L used to attack because it was the only thing | knew. Now | attack because | know it works best.’ ‘What lifts this book high ... is the extraordinary personality of its author ... the game Kasparov is now playing with President Putin, is for his life’ UM eal ae £8.99 arrow books @ 4 3 9863 ISBN-978-0-095 Front cover photo © Brian Velenchenko oWsc099 | 8 ree eeeegs Teen cite eert Taye ues HOW LIFE IMITATES CHESS Garry Kasparov isthe greatest chess player of our time, world champion at the age of twenty-one and the number one ranked playerin the world forewo decades, longer by many years than any tthe player in the history of organised international competition. He made international frontpage news when, in 1996, he accepted a challenge from IBM to play chess with their Big Blue Computer, a match that was featured in the award-winning documentary Game Over. Kasparov writes a column for the Wall Street Journal on world affairs and lectures widely ro business and academic groups. He treated the Kasparov Foundation to promote charitable activites, and isthe leader of the united Civil Front and a founder of the ‘opposition coalition group “The Other Russia’. He also actively ‘promotes the use of chess as a learning tool in schools through the Kasparoy International Chess Academy. He lives in Moscow.

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